Bastion doesn't have a say in any fight. Here's why. ⚠

Probably because a lot of players play bastion on mccree sensitivity instead of genji sens. He don’t need mccree’s pinpoint accuracy but does need okish tracking and 180 when someone flanks them.

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Serious answer:
I’ve seen my fair share of nonsensical and purely illogical things in this world.
But, numbers don’t lie. People do. About numbers.

Keep a positive mental attitude. ^,^

This is good to keep in mind, but sadly not very helpful when that flanker can disable you before you can harm them enough to be a threat…

I wouldn’t stand next to a Junkrat as an invis Sombra, but i wouldn’t care about literally sitting against a Bastion.

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Depends, if said sombra hacks me as bastion(No decloak), I do have more than 75% success history of interrupting her unless she caught me reloading.

She standing next to me is another thing, but if she attempts to hack me…well let’s say she may as well play hanzo flank.

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As true as this is, it is likely that the Bastion is already occupied, so disorientation is likely.

I’m not saying the Bastion never wins, but the point is that the Sombra has generally more of an advantage in the entire situation. Even if she’s discovered, she still has a high chance at removing the Bastion from the game. Even if he’s hacked and kills her, that’s still a hacked Bastion.

I’ve seen you post on Bastion’s behalf for years now.

What exactly do you want him to be? His design, like Symmetra, is pretty niche.

Do you think number reworks would really make him better, or do you want a complete kit redesign?

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[New year, new Bastion. 🤖]

The numbers of what i suggested in that rework idea^, are a bit iffy… but i’ll also sum up the main idea here in a new format:

Firstly, Bastion’s numbers are going to look scary on paper. There’s no getting around that, if you want a balanced and effective Bastion.

But i'll tell you exactly what i would love to see for a Bastion if i myself designed one.

Firstly, Bastion would be moved to the Tank role. That is very important for this particular rework.

  • Ammo in Sentry Mode is now set to 150 (Or 100 if we really needed to)

  • Bastion now deploys a barrier while in Sentry Mode, non-toggleable, which appears after the transformation is complete, having an HP of 600. This barrier will ONLY REGENERATE WHILE OUT OF SENTRY.

(The numbers on this are iffy, as it would only regenerate at a slow rate while out of Sentry, meaning one single teamfight will likely remove his barrier, making it utterly risky to set up without any HP left on it, which is why i believe it should be as large as 600, and Bastion would be moved to the Tank role.)

  • Bastion’s ultimate is moved to a new slot, becoming another configuration, with lowered rocket damage, reloading after each shot, with a satisfying clicking of gears as it sets into place.

  • Bastion’s Ironclad is reworked, to simply change his base health into armor based on which mode he is in. While in Recon his health remains the same as it is currently, but while in Sentry mode and Tank mode, 50 of his base HP becomes armor. Making him have 150 base health, and 150 armor. Balanced as all things should be.

  • Bastion’s base spread while in Sentry Mode is lowered slightly, and the inverse spread feature is removed.

  • Bastion now has headshots enabled. (Headshot modifier number is up for debate)

  • Bastion’s new ultimate is called “Overclocked” Bastion glows a bright yellowish red like his creator Torbjorn, while dealing increased damage and reloading twice as fast, in any mode.

As another point of view, the barrier could only have around 400 HP and he could remain in the DPS slot, as a heavy DPs.

Like i said, numbers sound scary. But in practice i still believe that he would be just as heavily punished in lower ranks, while being rewarded for higher level play. He would reload more often, which takes him a while to do anyways.
And having lowered ammo to a drastic number, such as 100 or 150, means his overall damage output would already be lowered, as he wouldn’t be able to fire for as long as he currently does.

So to answer your original question directly… a little bit of both.

(Thank you btw, for remaining civil and actually showing interest in real balance for this game. ^,^)

Really unfortunate that people would keep liking this… it only proves to me that no one who’s liking this has read the OP. As that’s the exact opposite intention of what i listed.

They literally skimmed through and saw “Mercy blaster” Under an obviously clickbait title, and assumed i literally meant it’s a hard counter. Come on… don’t twist my words please.

In fact the worst i called it was a poke gun. An inconvenience. listed because it can force a Bastion to move… yet another small weapon that can control you as a player, from afar.

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Sometimes I wonder how you struggle this much with Bastion…The only thing I fear as Bastian is Hanzo…maybe Hog if he sneaks up on me, Sigma ult?

Or the full team hyper focusing me.

Otherwise I mow them down.

I’m not saying he’s good, or doesn’t need work, but he’s no delicate defenseless baby either. Especially in low elo console where you can just spray at people as they walk towards you :woman_shrugging:

I wouldn’t know, also i never called him that, so again… don’t twist my words, please and thank you.

And in all honesty, i wonder what game you’re playing… any hero with good game sense, knows to poke the Bastion until it does something, which means any hero and any player can force the Bastion player, to move. That’s the main point… Bastion has no say in the matter.

And if your argument is to just move and never set up while taking chip damage, or to never stay if you take chip damage, you’ll never get anything done.

You can’t just “Mow them down” With a spread the size of a Tank, and a hitbox larger than any Tank in the game. (Yes that’s actually true in some regards, look it up)

If you set up and stay there longer than it takes to attempt to shoot at a single target, you’re probably playing in low enough elo where Torb hammers are effective weapons.

not with a statement, but the way you always describe him as…

maybe it’s how I play him, but assuming you have a team (which you should) you get heals, shields help, win the fight, and relocate…I relocate every chance I get to surprise them

Maybe I have better aim, but I literally don’t struggle aiming with him, I hit anything except for maybe a Widow perched far away (that’s a good one I fear too actually, but then that’s my fault for being in front of her)

Edit: Of course as well as my gold aim can hit, don’t take the “anything” part literally, i’m not an aim bot

i’m in gold :woman_shrugging:

And i’m nearly in diamond when i do place, after placements alone.

I’m a Widow/Mccree main. My aim/gamesense are most certainly well trained.
As well trained as they are going to be…
On Console.

Want proof?
Here’s basic training:

Here’s action:

Even with a team, you cannot block all sightlines, and if there’s a single opening, that’s it… gotta move now. Lest you allow the enemy to build ult charge off of you, or weaken you during an assault.

They control you, not the other way around.

I describe his as he is… a large hitbox, that is larger than most tanks, that cannot move while dealing worthwhile damage, with a gun that can’t deal headshot damage, with a bullet spread the size of Reinhardt at 20 meters, facing a game where everyone else can move, and is rewarded for aim.

All I’m saying is he’s not nearly as weak as you make him out to be. I feel I’ve said this before, but it’s a mistake to try and say that in Bastion threads you make.

I hope you get a Bastion you like one day. :woman_shrugging:

In higher ranks this statement may not be as true as you think.
At all.

I hope you’re right… imagine the players nowadays facing off against an original Bastion.

They would burn the forums to the ground.
Did you ever see that version?

Oh no, I’m not denying that. Just overall… he still has his place and times to destroy in low elo.

I didn’t play then (thank god), But like I said, i’m not saying he doesn’t need work or that he’s currently overpowered…i’m not one of the ones raging against him I promise :pensive:

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Keep in mind… this was balanced and even regarded as underpowered in the meta at the time:

Was it totally balanced? Hell no. It was too heavy hitting… but it was nearly balanced since he not only didn’t have damage reduction, his transformation took a day and a half, and he couldn’t move while healing or while taking damage. Taking damage would cancel your healing.

He also couldn’t hit the broad side of a Reinhardt with his Recon gun.

you know reading and watching that…a lot of his issues can probably be attested to people just getting better

people like to trash on low elo players, but they’re not nearly as bad anymore…you never see plays like that anymore, because people have become more aware and know how to deal with him

also sustain can keep teams up better against him, that’s when he becomes an easy picking

I wish they would revert stuff before buffing any heroes honestly, they seem to be doing that with tanks/supports, hopefully next they work more on dps. That would probably help heroes like Bastion, Genji, and Soldier more

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They also need to learn this trick again… it’s the players that run face first at one, then complain that it didn’t die… those are the ones who still complain the most.

Facing a Bastion takes certain gamesense, and strategy… just like faking a Widow.

No one in their right mind would run face first at a Widow, yet… get this, i get told all the time that approaching directly should work against bastion… because he cannot move.

Explain that one.
“The hero has a built in disadvantage that changes how he fights, so… attacking without thought should obviously work better”

That’s the people I love melting :smiling_imp:
Those people think that about any hero though, which I’m pretty sure is a bad move against most heroes, I love Genjis that spend all game ulting face first into me, so I can send them to their death :pensive::ok_hand:

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It’s these people that complain so much… but the other end of the scale is people who learn how to counter… then they stop feeding, and poke and prod you to death all day, without your say in the matter… until you swap heroes.

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Remember, any hero in the game will have a hard time with no support.

Any healer, tank, or DPS can make another hero look like trash if they don’t do their job.

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Bastion actually has a lot to say in a fight. At least, while he’s in turret form.

While transformed, he says “You’re not allowed to be where I’m looking”. And that goes for literally every hero, even the all of the tanks.


G-good? That’s a sign of good game design. You must use strategy to beat this guy. What do you expect Bastion to do, win even though the enemy is making strats against him?