Bastion cheese comps

Extremely easy to play. Extremely hard to play against. Also frustration. Bastion is a terrible design and he needs to be reworked. He needs to be better without protection. But shouldnt be that oppressive when protected.


Nerf dive and deathball, sniperwatch and bunkercheese run wild.

i cant stand this game anymore.

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Hell, another Bastion.

Learn to counter pick.

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one person cant counter whole comp. think before you post.

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When a team play this on Junkertown, it makes me want to claw my own eyes out.

You need extremely good counter team work to remove it. Makes me want to instantly uninstall.


Prefer them to doomfist anyday. Just get rid of his damn shield passive already

Then work as a team.

The Bastion’s group is using teamwork. Use teamwork back by coordinating pushes and flanks.


hah. i just unistalled after junkertown match. dying from frustration.

for the very small change she will actually hack bastion? ha good one

probably the only one here who can


“to counter this comp we mirror match” you people were complaining about this a while back with other comps… dive comes to mind


Usually I’m against uneccesary nerfs but OP here has a fair point. Bastion is pretty strong in cheese comps (and usually when you run those comps you’re basically telling the enemy team you’re tryharding), but outside of cheese comps by himself he’s pretty useless. Especially since he just plays as an inferior Soldier. He does need changes

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I agree and with Jeff’s opinions on Brig and how she is a bad pick outside any comp except GOATS with that she is likely to receive changes because of this I think it’s fair to ask for a change to bastion since he’s in a similar situation.

And that’s exactly why he’s the least picked hero in this game.

It’s no one else’s fault that you can’t counter the worst hero in the game.

Cool, don’t care, and it’s not a valid reason to nerf certain heros.

Nope, he needs buffs.

Which will never happen.

Which is the same for literally any other hero in this game who gets pocketed.

I wont even bother to answer this. I think you dont get it.

Moira and Brig are easier than Bastion but they’re picked far more than him.

When an entire team comp is build around him yeah it’s hell trying to kill him.

A re-balance is what I think OP would prefer.

Most definitely do not buff Bastion.

It should happen no hero should not require 100% team willingness to flex around you to win.

He is by far the most oppressive hero with an Orisa shield, a mercy and Ana pocket, a dva to eat damage and peel for alone with another DPS to pick up where he falls behind.

I’ll do it for you.

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Sym’s nerf (in the form of 3.0) is where it really all fell apart.
Sym 2.0 had a consistent shield to play around to not instantly die to widow, piercing orbs, and was boostable. And pirate ship meant offense, meaning the Sym would be on defense, so even countering Bastion on accident happened fairly often. We need that higher DPS piercing mechanic back.

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Okay so Bastion is oppressive on Junkertown. Where else is he good? I thought we liked the idea of map dependent metas, is this not a thing now?


That was so incredibly painful to watch.

This is painful to read. It gives Symmetra players a bad name.