Basically Bogus Bastion Bias šŸ˜¢

This SO MUCH. This forum is so prone to ridiculous exaggerations and bias itā€™s painful. People literally call Sombra OP in every Sombra thread, and without a shred of evidence swear her potential 0.27 degree spread reduction is going to make her a 100% must pick in OWL.

Yup, and this too. ā€œI hate this character who counters my main, so I want them unusable forever. No Iā€™m not biased, I just understand the game better then everyone else!ā€ is far too prevalent an attitude here. Like they canā€™t even grasp that there are others who enjoy the character, and they will get said character on their team occasionally.

Currently yes, deathball is absolutely the best comp to win most of your games with on averageā€¦but that is mostly because Rein is far superior to all other main tanks.

I wasnā€™t talking about most likely to win though, simply safest position for you personally not dying.

Aww how cute! Look at this console pleb thinking he gets an opinion at all. PC-only or you are worthless and brain dead with the reaction time of a snail! Get gud!!11


Ah, well that sounds about right then

But she is OPā€¦completely joking.
Her change was so inconsequential that I didnā€™t feel the need to go play against Sombra with the changes that were made.

Bastion is supposed to counter the hell out of the majority of heroes I play. He does in a way, but he doesnā€™t long enough, and certainly not for how the hero was developed to be played.

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Have you ever played Roady into a Bunker comp?

Just heal and walk into itā€™s face, pull it off the payload, and rip itā€™s guts outā€¦ it works most of the time, as long as your team exists near you.

And of course break shields from afar, which Roady is honestly better than Bastion at by nowā€¦ less risky anyways.

Bastionā€™s biggest strength and weakness is he MUST be focused immediately or heā€™ll kill everything given time. Us mid rank players canā€™t grasp much about how to play the game, but EVERYONE seems to understand ā€œBasion is priority target #1.ā€


I generally donā€™t have the option. My mainstays are Reinhardt, Winston, and D.Va. Most people want that kind of experienced player tanking so the other tank can pick the more specific counter hero. Its fine for me, but I wish I got more time on Zarya and Orisa.

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Which means he should be dangerous when set upā€¦ to deter some of that ā€œPriority #1ā€ Focusingā€¦

Hell, if you leave a Soldier: 76 alone heā€™d kill everything tooā€¦ but he isnā€™t focused as much, because he can defend himself.

He needs a full rework. He CANā€™T stay in his current form and be good. Heā€™s too team reliant. Itā€™s a team game but not everyone wants to look at the bastion and think ā€œ ok, this is where all our strategy and resources are going into or itā€™s over.

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Iā€™d love to know your opinion of the suggested rework up top! ^,^


Tiny violin. *
Sarah McLachlan singing*

In the arms of an angel

N7warrior: :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

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My problem and the problem with many people is his turret mode. either it goes the way of the dodo or he gets his damage reduced along with the ammo and heā€™s able to roll like tank configuration at the speed of Reinhardt holding his barrier.

If we make Sentry move, itā€™s as good as deadā€¦ you cannot balance that.

And as for it being removed, just no.

What are your thoughts on the rework as a whole?
His damage output would be lowered slightly.

I meant turret mode, my bad.
I really think that the sit down in one spot and shoot things play style needs to go.
Because he is vulnerable and that makes it so his team has to be around him to get value.

And whatā€™s the main problem everyone has with bastion? Itā€™s that they have to play around him

Most heroes are defined by what makes them different then the rest of the cast.

You can say that about each major strength of any hero. If you were to alter the main design choice of Sentry Mode from Bastions kit, you may as well re-release him as a different hero completely. I for one do not think this would be necessary, nor would it be a positive impact on those who play Overwatch. Look no further then the Mercy rework. I would bet money, my opinion, that we all lost more fellow Overwatch players to her rework then any other change in the game, to include role queue.


Thatā€¦ is sentry mode.

Which is why it should be more deadly, yes.

And making him more deadly on his own, fixes that issue.

No, making him more deadly on his own just reinforces why people would have to group around him and defend him.

Itā€™s like the situation with why Pharah gets no buffs. Because right now she kind of depends on mercy but if you make her perfectly capable and self-sufficient, putting a mercy with her is going to make her twice as strong by default.

The mercy isnā€™t going to just say ā€œoh sheā€™s strong on her own so I donā€™t need to pocket herā€, she was going to say ā€œdamn right Iā€™m going to Pocket that already strong hero and make them even more powerfulā€

They were able to rework Symmetra and say what you will whether you like the rework or not, she has seen more play.

Bastion needs the most drastic changes of any hero

In owlā€¦kind of. Butā€¦ We have had more owl changes to include role lock and now hero pools. Soldier also is seeing more play.

But symm on her own in ladderā€¦has dropped. And she wasnā€™t too popular to begin with

Sym was designed to be Niche just like bastion was designed to be Niche. they arenā€™t generalists, they take things like a prep time.

Itā€™s honestly impossible to get a character as technical as Symmetra and make her just as usable as a mCree.

They are meant to be good in certain situations and although you could argue they arenā€™t great in the situations they are supposed to be in,but if they were people would still complain that they are too niche because they can only use them in certain situations to good affect

Iā€™m not sure if you should complain about exaggerating and disingenuous statements on the forums if you are trying to say that Sentry Bastion isnā€™t dangerous.

Symm and bastion were designed to be niche but symm was literally net reworked to be more generalist. If she isnā€™t as general as McCreeā€¦ Then they failed

You canā€™t have it both ways which blizzard has done.

They wanted a more generalist symm and bastion. But they didnā€™t execute. They want niche heroes but that means dominance in that nicheā€¦ which symm and bastion donā€™t do.

Itā€™s like the opposite of having cake and eating it.

Itā€™s wanting cake and being told no