Based on a recent poll, Brig mains want to be more tanky

Exactly - my bet is that the in the “new OW” Brig 3.0 will be gutted rapidly, people will not tolerate an offensive Brig kit for long.

Perhaps they think net buff.

Tankiness is more powerful than people normally think, and it is mostly (passive) self-ability. That means, she will lose much of what she actively can do for her team. Idk Brig mains really want such a thing.

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It’s still quite defensive in all honesty.

An offensive melee brig like many want, isn’t brig anymore.
All her healing would have to be nerfed. Her utility too. then why bother having her as a support.

Right now she looks quite strong in the backline in OW2. Good heals, and good peel. I still think it could use a bit of iterating. But overall I’m liking the direction.

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I really hope that they keep her stun and move her to the Tank roster for OW2.

I really hope they do not do this. I don’t want Reinhardt 2: the bad one.

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Why do you assume that she would get reworked into Reinhardt? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

the problem is that most people don’t understand what “tanky” means and a “tanky support” in a role queue game will always be either busted or too weak.
We already tried tanky-but-low-damage brig and everyone hated it.

Also, she would be a brawler support, which would mean… well… tank. Especially by ow2 tank.
I think too many people here fundamentally misunderstand what “tanking” means and focus way too much on the “muh dps” part, which, after a good round of forum echo chamber, sounds like the worst thing ever

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That’s how brig was originally portrayed as well in the trailer. And that’s what I thought she was going to be like when I picked this game up last year.

Here’s how I thought brig was going to be like:
-Trouble keeping your tanks alive because you keep dying to enemy tracer/hanzo/doomfist/genji?
-Counter pick those obnoxious DPS by becoming the mini-tank yourself!
-Saves Rien from not dying by fighting in the frontline with him
-Builds ultimate
-Starts teaching the enemy DPS what the tanks are capable of with brig
-Wins the game like a champ

But in reality, it’s:
-Stay behind tanks like any other support cowardly
-Occasionally shield bash/whip shot the enemy DPS/tanks if opportunity arises from a safe spot
-Constantly ask other support for heals whenever you can’t heal yourself due to enemy being too far away to whip shot and your shield breaking in 2 seconds
-Feeling utterly useless against tracer blinking in and out of your face only to flame you with the voiceline “too slow!” after she kills you from unreachable range


i keep hearing this and the only thing i can think is thay you are terrible at brig or you don’t understand how to play brig into a tracer.
I know brig used to rotflstomp tracer by merely existing, but come on.


A tanky support would have to have their healing/utility gutted for them to not ruin the game like Brig did on release. What would be the point in calling them a support when they provide none to their team?

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To be back at her original HYBRID rôle not only support or tank.

No one said they didn’t know how to play Brig. The poll was conducted on the Brigitte mains subreddit. At least some of them know how to play Brig, lol.

The point is many Brig mains don’t enjoy playing current Brig and prefer to play her in melee range, which is shocking I know.

I’d take that. I’ll take anything at this point.


Good for you? I’m a Brig main and I’m in a decent rank but ok?

Except literally no one is advocating for release Brig, But thanks for the strawman. Most Brig mains enjoyed her right before 2-2-2.

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Because Melee hero, with a shield in the tank role is effectively Reinhardt.
Whipshot is functionally Firestrike but with knockback instead of passing through shields.
Shield bash is functionally her charge.
And Repair packs and Inspire would be lost.

Her shield is tiny and would look stupid if it was big. So it either stays as a personal protection or is basically just Rein’s shield.

Her healing methods have to go.

Shield bash with CC is basically just charge with less risk and so has less reward.

Her melee is functionally the same as Rein’s with 1m more range, so that’s no different.

And whipshot is a ranged option with limited but more consistent range than Reinhardt’s firestrike.

The biggest difference would be their size, health pool and ults. And honestly tank Brig is literally not Brig. brig is a support. Sticking her in the tank role over 1 stun she doesn’t even need anymore is not brig. You lose way more of Brig than you maintain.

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Do you not understand she still is a hybrid.
250HP shield anyone?
ARmour health?
15hps self heal?

Or is all that conveniently forgotten. You all act like she’s just so squishy when she has all these inherent tools which keep her alive.
Not to mention Whipshot and Shield bash both tanking for her too by keeping the enemy from killing her or their target.

Except their point was not that release brig was broken. But that for brig to be tanky, her utility needs to be ruined in order to be balanced. And at that point why bother making her a support if she cant actually support.

That’s like saying that every non-shotgun, non-automatic hitscan hero is effectively McCree.

If you would move Brig to the Tank roster as she is right now, then she would definitely compete for the Off-Tank slot, not for the Main Tank slot. So she is obviously much more different from Reinhardt than you think.


Hybrid heroes are often impossible to balance properly and are either too powerful (release Brig) or they have absolutely no meta relevance (pre-222 Brig).

That’s not really what I was saying. Discussions about how a hero should be altered seem to end up being done in a vacuum far too often. Ultimately, the health & enjoyment of the game should take precedent over that of a single hero.

She’s pretty fine now, not sure why you feel this way.

That’s not happening I assure you.

For brig to be tanky without her becoming OP and breaking the game, they could perhaps nerf inspire or rework it into a cooldown based AOE healing. Kind of like Amp It Up or bap’s regenerative burst.

I think repair pack also needs a rework as well and replaced with other form of healing or just removed. It doesn’t really make sense for a tanky support to be able to heal allies from any range. That’s something you expect zen to do because of his playstyle.

So how would this tanky brig be played? She would get used when supports keep dying and can’t seem to be able to stay alive despite the peeling from their teammates. In return to switching to a tanky support like brig with very high survivability comes at a cost of providing lesser healing, but still being better than no healing from constantly dying. Ultimate can stay imo.

Yea the Brig Brigade is small! Even tho I missed the poll I agree with it

All I’ve constantly said over the years is to lower her healing a little and give her more survivability/independence

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The strange thing is that at the rework, they outright said that Brig would be weak in RQ if they kept her as is, so they tried to make her more of a main support. I would have just been happy with a ‘weak’ Brig.

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