Baptiste will be nerfed again WTF

No it isn’t lol.

Baptiste is fine as is, and shouldn’t get punished cause Moira is a poorly designed hero. Even with him being meta he isn’t anywhere near what Anas pick rate was for 9 months straight. As a matter of fact, the ladder supports are Bap/Lucio/Zen/Ana. The only problem is Moira isn’t meta cause she just sucks, but if she was the support pick rates would be even more close to even than what they are now with her included.

Moira just sucks, and that isn’t Baps fault. She has sucked ever since they hard nerfed her and changed her.


This is for a goofy 2 day tournament, bit of fun. The changes will almost certainly not go through to the real game… Hanzo got a 20% damage/speed buff lol. They aren’t serious changes.

Baptiste sn’t gonna be nerfed. Its unlikely any of those changes will go live because they’re all a joke.

  1. bap deserves nerfs

  2. those nerfs aren’t hitting live anyways


Of course its not all DPS now is it? But they have the most voices by far of any role, and so it carries extra weight. I disagree thought with comparing it to an ultimate, in many ways its just buying time like Mei’s Ice wall which is on a far lower c/d…

But thank you for the thought out reply, it unusual for the forums.

I would be down for a AOE nerf, or even say reducing targets to 10% health…

He does too much damage combined with healing, no question. And he is one my three Support role mains (Brig and Moira being the other two).

God I love that mercy reaction

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It’s actually less his healing (although he does heal more than Ana, and that’s pretty bad, because…) Bap has AoE healing. everything of his is AoE. he’s honestly a strictly better Ana. if he didn’t have aoe healing then it’d be a whole diff story. he damages like a zen but heals more than any healer by a sizeable amount.

he’s way too strong and lack of actual nerfs is not good for the support role

I can’t believe you just called Moira a poorly designed hero but said Baptiste is not a poorly designed one. LOL.
Baptiste is the embodiment of poorly designed. Shooting the floor to heal, what a joke.

That’s why I said combined with. He needs either his damage rolled back, or his healing, one of the two. As it stands he’s just too good at both (literally simultaneously at some points) relative to the other Supports.

Shooting people (teammates) in the back is truly any better? Bap is well designed, but over-tuned right now.

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Bap heal\damage 11500\5300
Ana 10200\4300
Brig 10000\5500
Moira 13500\7600
Lucio 10300\6800
Zenyatta 7500\10500

Actualy only Mercy and Ana are doing less damage that " too good at damage" Bap

But keep saying pls. It is very funny

It’s almost as if baptiste is beyond broken. :slight_smile:

And a character that is a hitscan DPS (damn near as good as soldier at times), a RIDICULOUS amount of AoE burst healing, and an ability that LITERALLY PREVENTS PEOPLE FROM DYING, is a bit bloated asf and busted.

Don’t even get me started on his ultimate.

Not sure where you are coming from - I am agreeing here he needs tuning back and is too good at doing both damage and healing?

If you count healing+damage then Bap is a one of the worst supports in the game.
But for some reason he is still the best in both…

Immortality field isn’t something you can work around a lot of the time. It’s really powerful, but then again, his kit is just loaded compared to most characters.

One the prominent Bap players, forget who now, basically say’s he’s “broken”… :man_shrugging:

Again, he’s one my support mains, the other two being Brig and Moira. He’s not suffering…

There… I fixed that for you.


I think ur stats are kinda busted.

Its either shoot pee pee out of your hands and deal low damage, or resort to monke and shoot your rolly mist balls to heal your whole team, all while boosting it with regen, doing really good damage, and making your team invincible.

How tf is lucio’s kit loaded???

  • Hero is dominating
  • Blizzard nerfs hero
  • Forums wonder why Blizzard nerfed hero

Come on guys we’ve been over this so many times now.

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That’s one of those questions that is on par with why is it bad to fart at the dinner table… if someone has to explain it to you, you will never get it.

All I will l say is this: if he were released today instead of an OG, people would scream bloody murder at that kit and all it can do…