Baptiste now in Competitive Play

Lmao you seriously got nothing better to do than white-knight Blizzard and their practices? :smiley: The dude was just annoyed they didn’t mention it in-game. I was also playing a game when it happened and it took me by surprise. Get a life my dude :ok_hand:

played a match last night - one of those where one-too-many people instalocked DPS, causing all 6 of us to then pick DPS. I spammed the baptiste select to imply I would cooperate if someone else tried too. Someone else picked Orisa, so we had 1-4-1 comp. Did a bunker on point A, didn’t give up a tick!

:slight_smile: Why you didn’t used Baptiste!? So why you are complaining about that!? XD

I didnt because i havent been able to practice with him much.

“Rotation”? Odd choice of word. A think a true rotation with characters added and removed seasonally could be beneficial.

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do they go after it? lol here boy go get it!!

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They are


If we have this ability that cancels out big ult plays, doesn’t that mean it’s op? I mean the main reason for removing the Mercy Rez was this exact thing.

With Baptiste and the balance changes, the meta is finally beginning to shift. Might still take a while, but good riddance!

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