Baptiste healing isn't getting amplified!

I saw people on forums yelling to not pick Baptiste right now because he’s amplification matrix doesn’t amplify healing.
I went into training ground to check, and it’s true.

Its been days blizzard!!! The games lost due to this???

Blizzard has already been made aware of this a bunch of times in the past week or so. You can count on it that if you read it on the forum Blizzard has read it as well. They are so aware of it they have fixed it on the PTR:


Fixed a bug where Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix was not boosting healing effects.

But that’s crazy, it something that should skip the PTR completly and go into the live servers. Unless there is something super complex about it that i don’t know.
This is not some minor bug, this is a hero being disabled.
I’ve lost games due to this…