Baptiste did not steal from Mercy

He is his own character.

He is seperate from Mercy.

Blizzard did not steal ideas from the Mercy movement.

His E has probably been an idea in the books for at least a year.

His E is different from rez. One prevents death, one reverses death.


To be honest, the immortality field could actually potentially screw the enemy team by keeping them all barely alive. If it’s taken out at the wrong time…RIP your entire team :joy:

It’s also significantly easier to counter than Mercy since you can’t protect it as easily with shields or barriers.


Tbf, I remember reading rework ideas that are really similar to immortality field. You can find one here

The Heavens: 6-sec duration; Transformation Ultimate;
All allies within 10 meters of you can’t be brought below 1 health

Not saying they stole it, but, this idea was pretty similar and I’ve seen it in other forum posts & on twitter

He’s a main healer, that makes it so your heroes never die, who flies through the air.

He’s also a pacifist, after the bad actions he saw previously with his former para-military group, where he operated as a combat medic. He thinks that group should be shut down, for a reason.

His ultimate increases his AOE healing, or damage boosts his entire team. By 100%.

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Having a similar idea definitely doesn’t mean they stole it.

Especially if you have seen the idea multiple times by different people, it shows that multiple people can have the same idea.

That and we have no idea when this idea was solidified. This idea could have been in the pipes months before any of these posts were made.

He jumps high. He doesn’t fly. If anything, his jump is far more similar to the likes if Ashe’s shotgun jump than Mercy’s GA / superjump.

I still see nothing that correlates to Mercy, aside from “pacifist” and believing that a group they were part of was doing wrong.

His entire backstory has nothing similar to Mercy. The organization he was in vs Overwatch were two different things.

Only through a small square.

You must aim through the square to have anything amplified, limiting where you can shoot enemies or heal allies. Mercy can freely fly around and follow anyone with linked aoe healing that extends quite far, or with damage boost to her whole team. INCLUDING melee characters, something which his ult cannot do.

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From a game balance perspective, there is literally no difference between reverting death or preventing it entirely.

In fact preventing death is WORSE of a balance issue, because it allows the undying player(s) to continue to do damage. Dead players who get rezzed a couple seconds later don’t really shift the game in their own favor: they can still die within the next few seconds after resurrection if they get focused down. Undying players, no matter the prerequisite to make them “mortal” again, will be able to kill you while you’re busy countering them. This is already an issue with Zenyatta Transcendence, but manageable because it is an ult that can be baited out or is very predictable. With immortality field… nah. It’s gonna be messy.

Moira is a main healer who stops your heroes dying.

Fade lets you fly if you jump at the right time.

Her ultimate can heal many people at once, and deal damage.

You can boil down most heroes in a role to similar characteristics, because that’s the point.

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There is.

You have taken someone out of the fight, and it could be a key player (ie Zen with Trans, or more likely a Genji with Blade)

You could rez the Genji, say a Zarya bubbles you and you get off the clutch rez, then your Zarya ults and Genji is able to blade and turn the tides of the fight in your favour.

Then there is the prevention of death. Baptiste’s E flies above Orisa’s shield, cannot be bubbled, has 250 health with no way of being healed and doesn’t have armour. It only let’s your team survive to about 40 health, and can be easily taken out by a little bit of focus fire. Then if anyone dies before they can be healed up, they stay dead.

However, you can still extend the fight for just a little longer, vs bringing someone back who was taken out of the fight.

Mercy mains will complain about absolutely anything yet seem to have no idea about design/balance whatsoever despite having access to her stats. Most people know Mercy’s balanced right now. Not OP but not under powered either, she has her spot, you know, like almost ever other character in the roster, her viability depends on team comp and situation.

You don’t see Mcree, Solider or Ashe mains complaining that the devs stole ideas for Baptiste because he fires a hitscan weapon. Or Rein mains complaining that Orisa stole the idea for using a shield…

Also there’s a tonne of counter play to the immortality field.

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Why do you have to lump all mercy mains into one entity and make insulting comments about “us”? By doing that you’re literally just giving the complainy rework mercy group more traction and power.

Some of us don’t want some crazy rework, some of us think she’s balanced or only want small tweaks.

Also, your comparison makes no sense cuz the idea of immortality is very different than simply a hitscan weapon. The idea of some sort of immortality ability has been going around mercy threads for months and they added it to a new hero. I’m not saying that they stole it AT ALL, I’m literally just explaining why people think that it could have been stolen.


Im sorry if it came across as if I was attacking you in my reply, it was definitely not my intention.

I’m just kinda tired of seeing posts popping up or replies on threads about the new hero about how this was a stolen idea

Dont worry I was talking to maryspatel!! Not you you’re totally good :+1:

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Because unfortunately for you the vocal majority of the Mercy main community are like that. Obviously not all. But the majority.

Not really.

Just because you THINK it may have been stolen doesn’t mean it was. But forever pushing the idea that it may have been, quickly gives the idea credence to an extremely toxic and vocal group that’ll then use it to keep pushing their terrible ideas upon the rest of the community. You can already see this happening in a tonne of threads regarding Mercy vs Baptiste. The point was a lot of the heroes in game have similar abilities, don’t piss and moan about it because the character you wanted to have a certain ability doesn’t have it while another one does. Mercy doesn’t need any further changes, at least for the time being.

This immortality thing reminds me of that drone we used to drop in Uprising to rez our teammates – literally took it from the PvE mode of all things.

Let’s try to keep it as civil as possible and have a fair discussion without insulting each other

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Nah they stole it from lol, kindreds ult

Yeah it kinda does, if every single mercy post is just classified as complaints from mercy mains that want unrealistic things for mercy(when a lot of the time its a reasonable mercy player lol), it drowns out the ideas that contradict or disagree with the rework mercy movement, which already vehemently opposes people who disagree with it. I would call them more of a vocal minority- I think there’s tons of mercy players who are fine with mercy and don’t say anything at all cuz there’s nothing to say lol.

I said I don’t even think it was stolen, I’m the kind of person who gets annoyed by all the stolen from fortnite memes lol. But the fact is, the idea was put out there for the mercy community before the hero came out. If the dev team came up with it completely on their own, or if they got some inspiration from reading mercy threads (or other games as someone pointed out), we will never know. There’s no point in debating really, but my point was just that, the idea of an immortality field has been posted here before and it doesn’t seem like OP necessarily knew that so thats why I posted here, cuz logically it does make sense why some people think it was stolen, I just personally think that’s a stretch.


I agree with you on this, like I said, not all Mercy mains are like this. But again, unfortunately for you A LOT ARE. The forums literally drown every day under the weight of Mercy threads. You can see why people regard the players maining her with contempt. It’s gotten to the point where people see a Mercy thread and instantly think ‘ffs another one of these’. Don’t get me wrong though I feel for the players that want reasonable changes regarding her but can’t get those ideas across because of the stigma of those types of threads.

Again I agree. I can see why people would think it. But still, people pushing that idea aren’t doing anyone any favours here by giving the idea traction. Just another thing to complain about that doesn’t need to be.


I did propose that as a replacement for rez about 11 months ago though…

I still HIGHLY doubt they stole it.

And I was only assuming, not putting a definite “this is how long it’s been”

Because the thing is, we don’t know.

And I have a lot of doubts the developers do more than skim through the forums, Jeff replies here and there, but most of the forums are ran by mods. Mods don’t have any say in the development team, so I HIGHLY doubt they went to the team with this idea.