Baptiste - Developer Q&A Answers

Just curious. Do you plan to answer more questions like these in the future, or is this a one and done kind of thing?

No complaints either way.

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I only wish these lore tidbits were in one place or story or something instead of scattered around the internet


Except in all the testing that I’ve done, granted since before last patch, includes hitscan as well as projectiles. Are we changing the definition of a projectile then?

Or does this refer to only to beam type weapons and melee that do not get boosted?

I don’t really keep up with social media and developer updates so I don’t really know what’s going on 90% of the time, the only information I get is through the Blizzard Battle Launcher, (sorry if I’m not using the right term) or through YouTube about a developer update saying there is going to be a new hero, so I was wondering if anyone can enlighten me about when Baptiste will be released to the community. -A Mei Main

i know this is about Baptiste guys but. have yall ever considered giving bastion an E ability where he has a shoulder mounted rocket launcher.


Also, Baptiste will be the only Haitian I ever know who actually pronounces the ‘p’ of his name.

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Because they hate Mercy. IMO Mercy’s ultimate doesn’t do much compared to other support ults. it has the chain healing and damage boost, but that’s basically it. It would be nice if her ult didn’t require a rez cast time, or if she could move faster then she already does, but not as fast as when her rework was first redone.


Since when has a bullet not been considered a projectile?

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How soon will Baptiste be available to the Pros on the Overwatch League? Maybe as early as Stage 2?

Energy weapons don’t count. So Zarya beam, and Sym’s beam wont get boosted. So basically the same rules that apply to D.vas matrix can block.


He comes out the 19th unfortunately😩

They are referring to all bullets as a projectile in this case; just think of it like how Defense Matrix eats all projectiles. Both skills affect the same targets. :slight_smile:

THIS, PEOPLE. Read it loud and clear and internalize this. I have seen WAY too many DPS main streamers not use it for strong healing boosts that would easily save a teammate from dying. Please do us all a favor and treat Bappy-boy like a support, not DPS.

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For what it’s worth, I know a lot of people don’t care for lore, especially the “dumb” little stuff like this, but I like it.

I always enjoy the “run down” stuff of characters. Like: “Jim is 45. He’s an ex-marine, and favors the use of knives. When not kicking in the teeth of baddies, he enjoys sipping scotch by the fire and reading Shakespeare.”

Even things like favorite foods, favorite color, music tastes, etc, are all cool little details that “improve” the story. Its all for the sake of World and character building.

So, I appreciate answers like this one about Baptiste. It’s a small detail, but meaningful… At least to me. Comes with being a writer, myself, I guess :man_shrugging:

Baptiste x Sombra confirmed? :thinking:

Honestly, this one really surprised me. I figured the story of his gear would be something like Lucio’s. Where he stole, bought, or worked on it with a specific person or company. That’s what I expected.

But, to think his gear came from all these different places and was a bit “cobbled together” is pretty cool. I wasn’t expecting something like that. Neat.


I thought it boosted hitscan as well?

Well I did say next week

It requires line of sight. Plus the height is about half a meter above the projector.

He meant projectile-shooting weapon. Hitscan is just a projectile shot at nearly instantaneous speed.


The food question was mine. :blush:


I think the fact that he and Sombra are friends is cute! I like both of those characters, its nice that they have a connection!

I also like that he’s familar with Mercy’s work. Sombra and Mercy interactions will be really fun to hear, haha~

Also, I stan a man with a sweet tooth.