Baptiste - Developer Q&A

Did you miss the mercy meta?
Did you miss early brig?

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Could you explain the design process behind the little robot arm on his back?

It looks like the arm deploys the ultimate but that seems like a lot more work compared to a deployable like Orisa’s Shield.

It’s such a unique addition! I really want to know how it came to be and if it does anything particularly cool, is it AI, how does Baptiste control it? Does it have a name?


Did he get a Spitfire colour scheme because they won OWL S1 or was it just coincidence?

There is a lot of Q and very little A in this thread


They do a video in the next few weeks to answer questions, it’s what they did fo Brig too

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With hero 30 will that help keep the leavers from leaving in the middle of comp matches???

Do the dev team recognise the large amount of former Symmetra ‘mains’ that no longer play her due to strongly disliking the rework? How do you feel about the rework in general? Is there any realistic chance of a revert?

You must have missed the “Baptiste” part of the title.


Are there any lore connections between Baptiste and other heroes you can tell us about?

Maybe he’s crossed paths with Soldier 76 to help him get over Vincent???
Or Sombra helps him hide from Talon in exchange for a favor/info??

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So, in early development what character did you use as a temporary placement for testing?


what was direct inspiration for Jean Baptiste?
how original concept/idea came in to consideration before it was approved?

Is Baptiste an “every man”, or does he have some higher up position?

Umm… how is that relevant to this thread?

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Pfft this thread was posted 6 days ago and there’s still no answers, guess this is more Q&Q than Q&A, eh?

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Question: Why does this Q&A seem all Q and no A?

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Questions will be answered at a later time

It’s stated in the first post y’all

To be fair, the post also states “Over the next few days, our developers will be taking some time to address questions”.

It’s been “a few days” and we haven’t heard anything.

If we don’t see anything today (supposedly with the release of Baptiste) then it’s fair to be a little worried.

Baptiste left Talon
Nobody leaves Talon
Sombra ‘works for’ Talon

Theory 1: Talon has sent Sombra to find him
Theory 2: Sombra is helping him disappear.


That still refers to the later time though.
They’ll most likely answer the most common/popular questions either in a separate thread or a developer update

It’d be extremely cluttered and annoying to find if they randomly commented throughout this

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I’d say best reason is that all healers can’t…, damn even Lucio’s effect on himself is less then it is on teammates.