Baptiste - Developer Q&A Answers

Trap shooting, skeet shooting, duck hunts. Stay ahead of your moving target so that when you shoot, the projectile will meet the target just as it gets there. It involves a physics calculation: The speed of the target from a starting point to the point where it meets the projectile (a bullet or buckshot from a shotgun) vs. the speed of the projectile as it travels toward the point where it should meet the target.

Guns in real life aren’t hitscan as they’re physical objects and not a computer calculation. If the physics of the pellets were simulated in a game, they would be projectiles, not hitscan. Hitscan is the type of calculation being made, it simply checks the path of your cursor (or whatever path the attack goes in) for an enemy’s hitbox and immediately activates the effects of the attack (in most cases, X amount of damage) if there’s one there.

You’re right, they are projectiles. Then again, in real life, there’s no such thing as “hitscan”, save for the US Navy’s latest laser weapon.

However, that aside, what of McCree? D.Va.? Roadhog? Ashe? Soldier: 76? They seem to have some sort of gun-type weapon.

That wouldn’t be hitscan either. Even if something moves at lightspeed, it still has a speed. Hitscan has no speed, as it’s not an object, it’s simply a check for an object in a path.

McCree,, Ashe, and Soldier’s guns are hitscan; when you shoot, the game makes a check along the path of the attack and if there’s an enemy hitbox within the path, then it instantly deals damage.

Roadhog’s gun fires projectiles, which are objects that move and have their own hitboxes. The game checks for collisions between their hitboxes and the enemy hitboxes.

Yet they do fire projectiles. Bullets are projectiles. As I said, there’s no such thing in reality as “hitscan”, yet we make a concession that there is such a thing. If we do concede this, then, by logic, the only things that are 'hitscan" are things that project energy outward in a straight line (e.g., Zarya’s main weapon, Tracer’s light guns, Symmetra’s main weapon, etc.) If you say “hitscan”, I expect it to behave as such. However, given my knowledge in how guns work in reality, they are projectiles, albeit much faster and lighter than a howitzer (yes, I’ve fired shotguns and rifles, so I do know how their physics work).

So, basically, when you say “hitscan”, my brain is saying “energy-ray projected in a straight line”, as I would expect it to do. However, if you’re saying that McCree’s gun is an energy weapon, I would find that difficult to believe, because I know that his revolver is a standard gun, which is a projectile weapon, which has a range of anywhere up to a mile in reality, depending on the caliber of the bullet and the length of the barrel, and assuming that the inside of the barrel has been rifled, as is per standard for all projectile firing weapons.

So, maybe Overwatch isn’t quite as accurate as it should be in its definitions.

(BTW, yes, I’m one of the ones who will yell “ICE FLOATS” because my disbelief isn’t quite as suspendable as yours.)

They don’t fire projectiles. The “bullet” you see is purely cosmetic and unrelated to the damage calculation.

Guns in overwatch do not replicate real-world bullet physics.

Again, it’s not any kind of object, it means the game simply checks for an object in the path of the attack.

I’m not, I’m saying it uses a hitscan calculation to determine hits.

In reality, yes, a revolver fires a projectile. In Overwatch, McCree’s gun does not fire a projectile, it runs a hitscan check.

I think you mean quadrilateral

Third class citizen, man. We consolers.

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….and I repeat my caveat below:

So, yes, even >I< will yell at Overwatch for messing with the laws of physics excessively.

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Is there any option in the menu to set separate bindings for ability confirmations (and on a per-character basis)? If not, make some.

Just noticed that with Baptiste that when you swap primary/secondary fire with each other it will also swap the confirmation buttons for his ult. Which gets really weird since I want to play him with heals in the LMB slot (so he aligns almost perfectly with my Healer Junkrat fantasies).


Is it just me or is Baptiste unable to heal B.O.B ?

I’ve been noticing that in a few matches in which I tried to heal B.O.B and it doesn’t seem to work.

I’m not sure if he is not healing, or if he is and that sound of Baptiste heal is not treiggering.

Any thoughts on this?

BOB is intended only to be an Ult with a limited duration. Some ults can be destroyed. I do not believe there is a way to revive / rebuild an ult.

When do they intend on buffing baptiste so he can actually be a viable healer?

i’m fairly certain you should be healing BOB if you’re hitting him, unless he’s purple of course

Good necro…

Why is it so hard to look at the date.

I think it’s because the “Suggested Topics” suggests really old threads, and it’s easy to miss the date

why you do this?


I think this is that ‘iamhacking’ guy from yesterdays alt

Nollaig Shona Duit! ~WildPants

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ah yes one of the few supports that has a shot at not being instakilled is broken

Hey, why don’t you give it a rest? You’re adding nothing to these topics and just cluttering the forums

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