Bap is deliberately made weak

you dont see an issue with bap doing 0 healing because his damage is that much better?

i dont agree with your assumptions. but even so if at high rank the other team cant counter enemy having 1 healer, they deserve to loose.

as in baps damage was better than having another healer, similar to zen but its not really baps thing

bap needing to also function as the teams healer will always limit his dps. there is zero need to deliberately weaken his gun like they do. its just dumb and keeps him a niche pick when the game desperately needs another viable hitscan based healer. imo.

Immortality Field isn’t hold Baptiste back. If it was, his healing would be so much worse and his damage would be so much worse. He’d be below Moira and Brigitte in terms of damage.

It’s not even close to being better. It’s practically the same thing.

False equivalency. Every support can keep every team mate alive through any kind of attack. There is no other ability that reverses the loss of a team mate in the game, or 1/6th of your team’s overall power (or more than that, due to Supports/Tanks providing so much more value). Immortality Field barely even compares to Sound Barrier or Transcendence on scale. And certainly doesn’t even compare to Revive.

Baptiste was barely even used in double barrier.

It’s not holding him back.

Then Immortality Field gets compared to Sound Barrier in terms of defensive mitigation. And for it to even get to the level of Sound Barrier or similar ults, Immortality Field would need a much more substantial buff.

RIp-Tire is barely worth the use of Immortality Field seeing as it can be be shut down just by shooting at it. It is a useful defense, but there are better and more frequent uses. More specifically, if you’re using Immortality Field just to cover a Rip-Tire or Self-Destruct, you’re not getting as much mileage as you should out of it.

Biotic Grenade is not in the same league as Immortality Field. For one, Biotic Grenade can be used offensively or defensively. Immortality Field is so restricted by it’s cooldown and it’s function that it can only be used defensively. Immortality Field does not prevent damage, it just prevents death. You’re still just a vulnerable to damage as you would be with or without it. It’s worse version of a typical barrier.

They’re not going to replace IF, short of a re-tooling of Baptiste. And they’ve already done quite a few on a number of heroes already. It’s not that they can’t or won’t, but I suspect theyre unwilling to do anything when they’ve got multiple heroes coming down the pipe for Overwatch 2.

In so many words, that’s basically what I was trying to go for.

it was better to dps than have any other healer, similar to how zen is played, you could basically just play how you used to play quad dps with soldier

complete nonsense. forum hysteria. bap got completely gutted because of the crying anti skill forum. comparing bap with soldier is asinine.

unless you played at high sr at the time you wouldnt have seen it, it was the same as when hog is played and hes just on perma flank, was that bad because the team doesnt have a tank?

Pretty sure it was the skill people that got him nerfed in the first place because he stepped too close to the acceptable damage boundaries the community placed on supports.

Baptiste is fine. He excels at bunker comps. It’s just that bunker comps aren’t popular right now.

It is what’s holding him down. I’ve just given up on him getting any meaningful buffs, and decided to roll with him even if it means flushing my SR down the drain.

its a complete waste of a hitscan based healer. its actually trolling keeping him as a niche bunker bot.
you have 17 dps characters , massive dps queues, and literally 1 reliably viable hitscan based support that dps players would be interested in playing. in a fps game.
devs actually trolling.