Ban/suspension system is so bad

There was a guy who kept saying the N word all other inappropiate stuff who I have reported but never received the ingame notification that there was an action taken against their account…

however when I asked our mercy if she could stop pocketing 1 person only the entire time I got suspended for abusive chat…

Like the ban system is so bad and unbalanced It’s one of the most forgotten topics on the forums…

anyone agree?


It take more than that to get suspended…you probably had a pretty toxic history already :woman_shrugging:


history yes but I haven’t done anything toxic or abusive

History of what? You have to be toxic or annoying regulary to get so much reports, that you get suspended. It´s never just action of your last game as many people think.


i find it exceedingly difficult to get muted

Yeah, and…well, for the n thing, half the people you meet on line wont care about the eord, since they dont know the person saying it

Have you tried blaring smashmouth?

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come on everyone likes smashmouth

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Thats why i said blaring it, where its just loud noise

louder is equal to better (´-﹏-`;)

people can also report you just out of envy… I haven’t done anything to get suspended. I apealed it

It takes like 100 straight games of toxic or disruptive behavior to even get a mute. Not only that but mass reports in a single match do nothing since it only counts as one report per match.

I got so many threats that I got reported - last time yesterday when some donkey kept dying and accused me as support of trolling. If someone just randomly reports you out of envy or out of stupidity (as in my case yesterday) it doesn´t get you suspended - you have to have some amount of reports on your account already for your previous actions.

Do you have proof of that? Source?

Grouped players will report you just to be toxic and troll. That’s what’s wrong with not having actual moderators or at least an appeal system. If you press appeal and are found guilty then have a player ban system in place.
People believe that most players are “nice” but three of six games for me today have had a tank or support throwing to get priority passes. Two of them did it while flaming the team at the same time to get a rise out of teammates. OW system is broken overall and brings out the worst in good people as well as adds to the worst in trolls. If OW2 doesn’t fix it then it’ll flop faster than Cyberpunk with players asking for refunds.

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From a post about specifically mass reports. Also the 100ish games is an estimate. Before Jeff kaplan left he had mentioned in one of his videos it takes a lot of games to get silenced. Not gonna bother digging up ancient history for that. If you are interested you can find it. Also they tend to not write down specifics of the report system since people will try to game the system if they do.

not true what you’re saying

Okay and what evidence do you have beyond “trust me bro”?