Banning system change

Ive heard many people have complained about the new ban system, chaning every week and such, but i have a idea on how the system can be reworked

Theres a espoets game called rainbow six siege where if you play a ranked/competitive game at the start both teams can ban 2 characters

So how it would work is red team gets to choose one ban first, then blue team gets 2nd and 3rd ban and finally red gets the final ban

I believe this system would be better as the playerbase can choose what characters should be banned

And i feel like this may be meta changing as if characters like Reinhardt or orisa are banned in a map like kingsrow people will have to discover a new way to defend effectively

This community ain’t like that. They’ll just ban heroes they find annoying.

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Typically…annyoing characters are meta characters and event if not a character ban still effects the game some how

What you refer to is commonly referred to as a pick and ban system. Overwatch’s development team is well aware of this, however they simply don’t like the idea of the disadvantages those systems bring, specifically, the long time spent starting at a UI screen while arguing over your teammates about picking heroes to ban. Here are more details from Game Director Jeff Kaplan prior to them introducing the current hero pool rotation.

I mean I doubt the bans will change from whatever people find most annoying on tank, mei doomfist, moira or brig.

Well in a game like siege, there really isnt arguing, maybe dizagreements but not full scrramathons, its typically just banning annoying characters on specific maps, i do respect the response though