Banning sombra from total mayhem

Agreed, Sombra ruins the mode. And every other mode.

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If not for Sombra, heroes like Doomfist, Zarya, Mei, and Roadhog would be unstoppable. Like it or not, she’s necessary for Total Mayhem to be playable.


Or you could just shoot her?

Come on, it’s a game mode where Winston is flying around not even touching the ground, Tracer blinks at will with 300hp, Orisa fires out barriers with the speed of a vulcan, and Doom doesn’t need to worry about cooldowns.

Things are a bit crazy already.


The game was designed with the normal stats that we have now, not the 75% less cooldown, so since the cooldowns are much lower, there are gonna be some heroes that are broken.
Take Doomfist for an example. He can practically 1v6, and it’s hilarious.

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Have you seen Doomfist in total mayhem? or Mei? Without her those two pretty much go unchecked as one can continually regenerate shields and not require healing while the other can point stall till the end of time.

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Sombra can’t be removed in TM simply because seeing her get a card for 198 hacks with 12 Offensive Assists is always hilarious.

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Two Sombras in total mayhem

Both teams had sombras at 10 minutes, at 15 i decided to record. It ended at 20 when the other team gave up. 20 minutes and it only got to the second corner :smile:

213 hacks, 25 assists :wink:

Have you seen Mei Doomfist Zayra combo in Total mayhem? Sombra is needed or else you can have a really long overtime


That just sounds like the normal game of playing Sombra with randoms lmao.

I get 2 kinds of games in Mayhem when I play Sombra:

  1. I absolutely dominate and I’m constantly hacking the enemy, to the point they can’t do anything.
  2. I get creamed and I barely get to hack anything, constantly being interrupted.

Wanna know the difference? In scenario 1, the enemy is all but ignoring me. I basically get free reign to hack them to the moon and back. In scenario 2, either they have a Winston or they’re aware that I’m flanking and trying to hack and they focus me hardcore.

Focus. The. Sombra. It’s not that hard. She’s easier to deal with than Doomfist, who’s a walking stunbot. (Doom is actually the reason I play her.)

Go Sombra
Hack enemy Sombra endlessly

give me proofs, surveys. I hate total mayhem.

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Do you have a credible source supporting the claim that mystery heroes is the most popular/liked arcade mode or is that just speculation?

I used to love Mayhem. Just insta-lock Junkrat and go mine crazy. I would just be laughing none stop as the infinite overtime went ever onwards. Even with Sombra, it wasn’t too bad. But Sombra and Doomfist? I never went back after running into that.

I know the mode isn’t supposed to be balanced, but I don’t know how anyone can stand those 2 together.

There was a poll done some time back

Not that it’s 100% accurate now but at the time mystery heroes was the most popular

The Arcade weekly thread actually shows the percentages of what was most popular and mystery heroes had 22%

Thanks, I found it. The sample size is quite small but I’m surprised MH is first though total mayhem does come in second at 16%.

Both Doomfist and sombra need to be banned from total mayhem they ruin the fun

For me Winston is the most annoying. You spend your game staring at endless dome barriers

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Sombra isn’t so bad. Doomfist is the sole reason I don’t play that mode anymore. It’s actually ridiculous how annoying that piece of garbage is. They removed Ana chain sleep from that mode but somehow it’s ok for Doomfist to completely prevent you from playing the game while having to hear those constant annoying screams in the meanwhile.

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