By the way any chance of answering the question you keep ducking, are you a legit player or just a forum poster? If you what do you main ?

Overwatch Patch Notes
Read the latest Overwatch patch notes or research historical changes to the game
By the way any chance of answering the question you keep ducking, are you a legit player or just a forum poster? If you what do you main ?
Well I’ve been unhappy with the entire OW2 since they let people run rampant and spam the heck out of the report button, since it’s all AI moderation
But if this is implemented… it will give concrete evidence to quit OW for good
Btw, how does one link or have others comments in your comment? I’m new to this crap unfortunately lol
It seems to me you only post on the forums and don’t actually play the game so these changes are not of a concern to you.
Please do let Blizzard know how unhappy you are with hero bans - as frequently and vociferously as possible.
Here on the forums, on their twitter feed, and on reddit
as far as quotes, see the conversation bubble button on the left hand side of your reply box? Click that, and look at the results
One can choose to believe what one wishes to believe
Oh so you play the game then? Have you played many games lately and what do you main?
Most legit players would answer a simple question like this
Ah sweet, thanks!! But yes, we as a community of we came together we could do so much yet we’re all divided
Well I’ve been unhappy with the entire OW2 since they let people run rampant and spam the heck out of the report button, since it’s all AI moderation
But if this is implemented… it will give concrete evidence to quit OW for good
Btw, how does one link or have others comments in your comment? I’m new to this crap unfortunately lol
Please do let Blizzard know how unhappy you are with hero bans - as frequently and vociferously as possible.
Here on the forums, on their twitter feed, and on reddit
as far as quotes, see the conversation bubble button on the left hand side of your reply box? Click that, and look at the results
Ah sweet, thanks!! But yes, we as a community of we came together we could do so much yet we’re all divided
Yeah, its sad that certain selfish individuals are pushing hero bans as a good thing, when there is nothing whatsoever that is good about it, and it has failed miserably in the past
Yeah i don’t actually believe you. I believe you just post all the time on the forums without even playing Overwatch.
So if your not a legit player then balance changes should not concern you.
Yeah i don’t actually believe you. I believe you just post all the time on the forums without even playing Overwatch.
So if your not actually playing these balance changes don’t concern you.
I infact play, but it’s none of your freaking business if anyone plays or not, us veteran players from ow1 know this ban feature is a terrible idea
Yeah i don’t actually believe you. I believe you just post all the time on the forums without even playing Overwatch.
So if your not a legit player then balance changes should not concern you.
see post 85
Are you playing Overwatch or just posting on the forums ? Why is that so hard for you to answer?
the end product of both systems is that heros are banned, which means players cant play the character they wish to play
The end product is 2 different systems with different mechanics that result in a different overall impact on the game, thus different names
the difference in the names of these two systems is irrelevant, as the impact to players is the same
Not at all.
The overall impact was objectively different- Which is why they have different names.
The names are different
Because theyre different systems that were implemented differently.
the in-match impact is precisely the same - heros are banned
Not at all.
I don’t even know what you two are talking about 2 systems?? Did they test this banning system at one point? If so I’m guessing it was only comp?
I don’t even know what you two are talking about 2 systems?? Did they test this banning system at one point? If so I’m guessing it was only comp?
There was a system in OW about 3-4 years ago wherein heros were banned
Many of those selfish players who are in favor of hero bans do not afaik wish to admit that this previous system, called Hero Pools, involved the banning of heros.
This previous system was an absolute disaster and was removed quickly by Blizzard
heros are banned in both systems
How theyre banned makesa big difference. Thus why these systems have different names.
Did they test this banning system at one point? If so I’m guessing it was only comp?
“This” system? No.
Overwatch at one point had what the developers called “hero pools”- A system distinctly different from what basically every other game refers to when they talk about “hero bans”
Read the latest Overwatch patch notes or research historical changes to the game
General Updates
New Feature: Hero Pools
We will be introducing Hero Pools starting in Season 21 of Competitive Play. Much like Map Pools, rather than having all heroes available for play at all times, a weekly changing list of heroes will be available. The list will include the vast majority of the hero roster, with only a few being excluded during any given week. We think this feature will help keep Competitive Play interesting, as team compositions will change more frequently during a season.
Basically the developers would pick a revolving cast of heroes to allow in competitive for a set time period, with their goal being to shake things up. There was little rhyme or reason to what they picked, and why. You could argue it did shake things around, but it wasnt well received.
Its important to note that players have been asking for “hero bans” for awhile - But players have specifically been asking for “hero bans” in the sense of pretty much every other game that has “hero bans”- That is a system where players pick and vote before the match what they do or dont want to ban.
Players who wanted this system have largely been asking for community agency over their matches. “Hero pools” did not grant or allow this.
Regardless, “Hero pools” and “Hero bans” are fairly specific terms that commonly refer to very specific systems.
Megadodo likes to interchangeably use the term “hero bans” with “hero pools” because of the loose similarities, completely glossing over the specific difference that differentiate the 2 systems, and will do so while disingenuously going “Weve had this before!” - We havent had this before. We had pools. What we will have going forward, are “hero bans”.
I don’t even know what you two are talking about 2 systems?? Did they test this banning system at one point? If so I’m guessing it was only comp?
There was a system in OW about 3-4 years ago wherein heros were banned
Many of those selfish players who are in favor of hero bans do not afaik wish to admit that this previous system, called Hero Pools, involved the banning of heros.
This previous system was an absolute disaster and was removed quickly by Blizzard
Well never mention if it was comp only or in base game? I’ve played since season 2 of OW1 but i don’t remember this…
Well never mention if it was comp only or in base game? I’ve played since season 2 of OW1 but i don’t remember this…
The upcoming “hero bans” system will be the same, with it only effecting competitive (for all ranks).
Quick play will not use the ban system, so you will always have a place to play “your” hero should you choose.