Banned for 2 Tricking

Playing Torb+Sym only maintaining 55% winrates on both hero. I get reported even when I win, often rolling.

Would love for someone to justify this.


That is ludacrious!

I am sorry you have to deal with that. I myself have been revolving around three heros only.


Thank you. Its especially painful as I have played these heroes with GOOD RESULTS and they are now viable when played right. :frowning:

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How are you posting if you’re banned? Legitimate question, not having a go.

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my smurf is banned :))

I was banned about 5 times right now for playing Widow or Sombra. So yeah, you will be banned if you team just report you for “disruptive gameplay”. No one cares was you good or not. If people don’t like you, Blizz will ban you. Get used to it.

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Price of playing with randoms who ActiBlizz enables a toxic sense of entitlement in.


go here

email them with your real concerns via your account, playtime, unlocks etc

only to have an automatic emailer respond to you

with a blah blah blah verified blah blah blah ban

the system is automated and broken
and it’s about time they do something about it

none of the suspentions issued by this game are fair

when there is no such thing as a “verified” report
jeff lied to everyone about that

since there is no verifiying and no recording of voip for actual real harassment bans


which makes me glad I never or rarely get reported, I’d hate to have to deal with this.

ONLY time I ever got banned was like a 2 day suspension from the forums for “bad language” like I censored myself even, say the curse word was “laughing” I type in “eling” instead. apparently that’s bypassing the mature language filter. I didn’t know that so I’m like well OK I’ll take the ban.

But this in game bans stuff is just crazy

Maybe now with the new replay system they’ll have a little more to go off of, I doubt they’ll do anything with it, but here’s to hoping.


The issue is, those heroes aren’t always viable. Just because you can do gold damage or eliminations doesn’t mean you’re playing the best hero for the situation. Sometimes other heroes are needed more than those heroes.

I’m not trying to say that you can’t do great things, because you can, it’s just that sometimes having someone else would be better, and that’s why you get reported. The game revolves around swapping roles to fit the situation, and it technically is kind of throwing if you only play one hero, because you aren’t playing the best hero you can be.

It’s not just Torb and Sym it happens to. I play a lot of Ana and Hammond. Sometimes a Moira or Mercy would be better if I keep getting attacked by the flankers, because I couldn’t escape them. With Mercy I can fly away, and with Moira I can out heal their damage, or fade into safety. So, if it calls for it, I swap.

With Hammond, Mei, Sombra, and Sym can all counter him hard core, and if I’m focused to much, I have to swap. Also, sometimes the other tank isn’t a shield tank, and we need one. In those cases, it is truly better to play someone else.

Like I said, no hate to any Sym or Torb players, but the reason y’all are getting banned is because they aren’t the best characters in every scenario.

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We should play more often, I like healbotting sym and torbjorns exclusively, leaving others seething for healing, find your own health goaties! :robot:

I know that feeling dude, whenever I play torb before even the match starts I get flamed just for dieing once or twice even tho Im getting stuff done, later when I carry every1 keep thier mouthshut, people seem they still have the idea that torb/sym are still throw picks even tho imo they are extremely powerful

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legit I’ve seen more throwing genji’s, sombra’s, mei’s, sym’s than throwing torbs

except for those that literally sit in spawn hammering turret cause they are acting like a spoiled brat cause they didn’t get the hero they wanted so they are obviously throwing


Okay… I have a really hard time taking your word for it. If you really were banned, there must be something you aren’t telling us that may have contributed to you actually getting punished.


I will report a builder if it’s not working and they refuse to swap.

Perhaps you should not 2 trick the only two builders in the game.

Just a thought.

False reporting sir, everyone has the right to pick whatever they want as long as theyre not intentionally throwing it’s a false* report


If you’re being countered and repeatedly dying and refusing to swap or work with the team I am reporting you and it is justified

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lol there is a good amount out there that blindly believe in the systems in place

just because they haven’t been the unlucky player that’s been mass reported by a toxic stack for something you didn’t even do

and that’s the problem

with the system in place

it’s a where there’s smoke there’s fire system

there is absolutely zero looking into anything all silences, bans and finally account closures are all completely automated

it’s literally at the point where playing the game u take a risk in getting your account wich u paid for closed.

how is that in any way a fair system when they don’t “verify” reports

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How is it justified? I want to play a certain hero and I’m not trolling where is the justification? Just because I’m getting countered doesn’t mean I should swap I’m having fun with x hero and I want to keep playing him despite being countered


They say in their emails “after analysis of the evidence, we have decided to suspend this account on grounds of (insert reportable offense here).”