Ban Ximming on OW2!

People using a Xim (Mouse and keyboard) on Console Overwatch is ruining the game. Every game now in GM and Masters is just MKB diff. The team who has the MKB player wins… it’s so stupid. Please try to do something with this in OW2. It’s ruining console Overwatch. It’s not fun for anyone. They get aim assist with their mouse and keyboard aswell… it’s just a stupid pay to win advantage that shouldn’t be there at all.


I think at this point we need to just acknowledge that a lot of people want to play with mouse and keyboard and we should just allow them to do that.


You are really consistent with having the worst takes.


Agreed, M&K is superior in the same way a 280Hz monitor is superior to 60Hz. If you aren’t playing with the optimal setup then you are just further handicapping yourself in addition to how the matchmaker already does it.

Some people hate to admit it, but hardware plays a huge role in this game.

High Refresh Rate monitors are a huge advantage over lower refresh rates. Just like M+KB is a huge advantage over the controller.

I know Microsoft had a software API that developers could use to detect M+KB connections even through XIM. But that’s up to Blizzard to use and implement.

If you use a M+KB you should just be put into a PC pool of players.


People have gotten rank 1 on pc with 30 fps. Nobody has gotten rank 1 on a controller, or even close (PC ofc). Monitor refresh rate and any other hardware is not even close to the same advantage as a keyboard and mouse is to a controller. Your opinion really isn’t needed if you’ve never played on console or else you would know how oppresive mnk is.


If people wanna play with MKB then go to PC. No need to ruin the game for every other console player… Blizzard should just add a Xim block to OW2 and boom; problem solved.


Blizz will NEVER do anything about it. Its been years and console is flooded with alts too.


But it is your problem, you are the one who should do something.
Microsoft + Blizzard could easily block this, Sony+Blizzard probably could too, but it doesn’t seem to be important.

The attitude of some players on this forum really amazes me.

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I know a few years ago Blizzard were looking into detecting XIM users on console with a view to banning them as they don’t want keyboard/mouse users playing on console. I can only hope that they were able to come up with a solution and that solution will be in Overwatch 2.

No, we should not, because it gives them an unfair advantage over controller users and, according to Blizzard’s own definition, anything that affords an unfair advantage is cheating.

Incorrect. See above.

As for alts, a lot of them will go away come Overwatch 2 because of Blizzard’s requiring a phone number on accounts.

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How many seasons ago? And maining what role? Because this would’ve been in the Open Queue days.

Flex DPS player. Not sure how something like role queue has any relevance to being rank 1.

Allow them to do that, but force them onto PC lobbies.

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Playing competitive FPS on console is just stupid in general, move on to PC already, don’t be pepega.

PC, where you can get viruses and you have to use all kinds of launchers, your PC will slow down over time.

Yes, if you are a complete pepega :wink:
One day I went outside my cave and the dangerous world appears not that dangerous at all.

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Actually I have a background in computer science… I know my stuff.

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you gonna pay for their pc?

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then you should know how to avoid viruses. its really not difficult.

Let’s be honest. Eventually, every console will be a PC with its perspective logo.
Also, they wouldn’t use Mouse + Keyboard unless it gave them better aim.

Adapt or fall behind.