Ban the smurfs. Ban 'em all

Can you prove they’re smurfs? Doubt it.

You mean fraction?

Add an SMS authenticater per account. 'Tis what Steam does for anything Market related- and I’d like to see Comp be restricted in that manner.

Also: Take your 100th heart. <3


It’s really sad you had to go through this. I really wish Blizzard starts to ban those smurfs. You can literally create an alt account for free on PS4. It’s worse here.

I think they are derankers. If you see derankers in your game, just report it please.

Smurfs play at their normal level because that’s where they perform lol. People who say otherwise, like the argument “you can’t play at X rank” ignore the fact that there’s a reason that the smurf is so much better than them lol. Also, smurfs are normally used for heroes that you aren’t used to.

yah sorry about that IDK how I mixed up those letters

Not necessarily.

You say that as if any human at blizzard is actually reading these reports…

Just having to connect your phone to your accont in order to be able to play comp would lower the amount of smurfs/throwing accounts.
Of course it wont completely get rid of smurfing, but it will drastically lower the amount of people just making throwaway accounts.

Good thing the wife and I don’t play Comp anymore, then. Because the chances of us linking our phone numbers to anything Activision (or EA) related are below zero.