Ban Private Profiles from Comp

Yeah thats a hard no.

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If you want to DPS as a healer, come play Paladins where most healers can be played as either or

Sorry what?

I never said i want tô dps, nor that i want tô heal? If im playing support i want tô support , /how/ depends which hero im playing and the situation.

What does it have tô do with anything tho

This is cute, you’re acting like these private profile players actually stay in voice chat. Most are too afraid to have anything open.


its cute that you associate private profiles with no voice…theres also this concept of written language, its one of the most unifying ideas through all cultures, try it once maybe instead of complaining about private profiles…


I leave mine open, but what does it matter? Let them play what they are good at. I always let the other tank pick their hero first and base my pick on theirs. I will ask in vc what people play and how I can help them, but if they don’t want to answer I just use the knowledge I have. It isn’t hard to do. Communication is not required to do well as a team, cooperation and working together is what makes a team. Communication and knowledge about every member does help, but can be worked around

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ive seen people with private profiles get flamed way harder than those who have it public, it really doesnt change anything lol

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If private profiles in competition offend you, how do you feel about the algorithmic handicapping and veiled terms of use? More info:

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Ok seriously, how do you go from private profiles to handicapping? Stop spamming this everywhere, it’s not even relevant to this topic.


I private my profile while I play comp just because the counter picking was getting to me. I un-private it after I’m done comp. I’m a 1-trick Sombra player though.

how in the flying eff do you think these concepts relate? just stop


at least make it so people who have private profiles can’t see others profiles either, since to you people who use private profile that doesnt matter?

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This assumes they are in chat in the first place

its a safe assumption tbh

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Not really? I’m in masters/verge of grandmasters every season and more then half the players don’t join voice

if you read it carefully it says chat. which is different than voice.

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The best is when I view my co tank’s profile and they are a support main autolocking Roadhog for passes.

Sometimes I really hate this game…

EXACTLY, isn’t good to see the person is actually another role main farming tickets so you can avoid them?

You just want to be toxic against your teammates (or even the enemy team), and you need a random excuse to humiliate them. That’s all.

I never check other players’ profiles. Just a waste of concentration.
As a tank, it’s pretty much Zarya & Rein / Winston most of the times. There isn’t much of choice.

If they are throwing, it’s not like you need extra confirmation by checking their profile.
If they won’t talk in chat, they won’t switch either, so there’s nothing you can do even if you check their profile.
So it’s totally irrelevant whether they have a open profile or not.

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I bet they made that thread to blame the game on why they can’t get out of bronze