Ban after playing against bots

Here recently, about 5 minutes ago, we got into a game where the entire opposing team was bots, they didn’t even come out of the respawn. And our entire team was thrown out of the game for inactivity, although we tried to somehow be active at their respawn, ran, strayed and all that, and the game did not react to the fact that we were performing some actions, but continued to report time on our inactivity and eventually threw everyone out of the game and banned me, for example, for an hour.


The same thing happened to me today!


Same happened. Also there is no way to quit game because you will get a 15 min ban. I tried to shoot to bots to not get kicked due to inactivity but bot stayed at the base and it’s impossible.
Wtf? Why I should waste my time because of such bugs in the game which I paid for. Please fix.
E.g. CSGO also have issues with matchmaking but your team can always surrender and thus quit a game.


Same just happened to me - 1 min ban because we couldn’t shoot the bots because they were not leaving spawn…

Loss of SR and playtime - also cant see last match to report them in-game because the game did not complete meaning they are unlikely to get banned.

Took a screen shot tho to get their gamer tags.

Cant add images here but FYI their names were -


Every one on 1 recommendation, bronze border.

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Hello, I play and love your game. Same problem for me.
I play competitive games for the challenge that it allows to live.
I would like to warn you about manipulation of your game and security issue during competitive games.
I check my OS processes from time to time to see what is going on when I resent it because I have a good network connection (fiber).
I get a lot of, how do I write this …, of screenshots, of observing and slowing down my game during competitive games. I suspect that it comes from opposing players to promote the balance of the game.
My last competitive game, I find myself against 6 “bots” that do nothing. The players take them for “deranked”, it is not for me, not. This is not the first time that I have come across this inactive bot team and I would like you to do a few things regarding the server, the vm, the instance on which the 12 players meet.
I was blown up for inactivity when it wasn’t. The 6 uh “bots” do nothing and are not kicked out.
I also had two synchronized assassins, simultaneous movement and simultaneous fire in my team …
There are serious security and game access issues that make an unpleasant time for players who are there to have fun and want to play against other real players.
The skills of the people practicing these “hacks” will be useful for improving the AI ​​in the mode concerned.
In the meantime, I wish that describing my problem could improve the game.
Thank you.

I come back to this practice.
When I report his players and teams, I am arceled with offensive messages and intentional crash of my computer.
It’s getting pretty annoying and I would like some advice on how to avoid taking this issue to court for access to privacy and online arassment.

same thing here and I have a suspension that is resetting! I need help on this.