Balancing to solve "Rein or Lose"

…No? Double sniper, Hog and Ball Torture, Double offtank, and more are poke comps. Hell, double shield itself fielded Reaper, Doomfist, and Tracer as members of its lineup, which wasn’t poke.

Reference for the Knockbacks portion:

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we’re going 1-2-2. doubleshield is officially deleted. everyone just stop playing it now plz. but in the meantime, it’s dva that needs a buff and probably the roster will be ok again.

Oooh, what about this crazy buff idea for DVa: DM damage eaten gives D.Va extra shield. Sigma’s KG doesn’t do it anymore and then he gets a barrier buff back, 900 hp. D.Va becomes a Main Tank, an “in your face” type of tank.

Don’t make mei the other no peel tank (cough cough cough cough)

Saying Mei is a no-peel tank, is like saying Zarya players with bad timing on their bubbles is a no-peel tank.

Correctly timed walls, are basically throwing a temporary equivalent of a main tank between the player and their opponent.

I don’t think the main function of Mei wall is to block dmg. It seems it’s mostly meant to cut off enemies out of position so your team can kill them. That looks more in line with a dps ability to me. In a sense it feels like a more balanced version of hook. There are niche situations where you can use it to block dmg but those are fringe cases. I’m not much of a Mei player so I could be wrong.


I’m just saying pls don’t make Mei a tank I don’t want her in the same ranks as D.Va, Ball and Hog ( Those tanks aren’t tanks)

Just here to confirm you.

I play quite a lot of Mei considering how good she is against dive or heroes like Soldier:76.

The goal of the wall is to punish aggression.

Pokers aren’t effected by that and brawlers play slow and safe so they don’t care as much for the wall but divers go all in. Getting in for quick kill using mobility.
Wall zones them completely not letting them an option to go back allowing Mei to freeze her target with them running away.

That’s also why it only has 400hp per pillar and not something too high (As we all know Orisa’s shield which is 600 hp breaks within a second)

I admit I sometimes use it to block off angles like Soldier:76 on top but considering its high cool down and low duration+hp the best way to use it is like you said, a trap.

I mean, she was a defense heroes like Junkrat or Torb, both use traps for enemies. Don’t see a reason why not going for the same direction for her.

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It’s flexible, works both ways.

The equivalent of putting an Orisa barrier up, or the equivalent of a Roadhog hook by turning “good positioning” into “out of position”.

Using Mei wall as a budget Orisa shield kinda feels like a waste imo. Especially given how long a cooldown it has and the weaker hp. Again I think there are niche situations where it is useful to block dmg like how Obsidian said to block LoS from a Soldier for example. Because it’s not a one-way thing since it blocks your teams dmg too, using it like a barrier can be a double edged sword.

The only time you should use mei wall as a shield is if you’re trying to block an ultimate like high noon, self destruct, earthshatter, etc. Using it to block spam damage is wasteful and stupid.

Alright lets hear what you have to say (:

I see that Brig in her current state would prevent you from reaching your goal, I will say though, that while it would give plat and below a support that is all of those things, Brig is already one of the more durable and self reliant supports + decent guaranteed burst (with the stun) and can prevent headshots/block ults, so the only thing worth noting of the changes that would affect lower rank play is 1. More durable, 2. Can stand on the objective for a long time, 3. Block more headshots and maybe more ults, 4, More mobile. I don’t know what else to add but it’s just food for thought.

I don’t think the buff is all too generous, it’s only an increase of 5 hps on an ability with a 13 second cooldown. but those nerfs are more severe than I originally thought, I don’t have anything interesting to add here so instead I’ll ask you a question, is making a meta where it’s more like rock paper scissors on hero picks more valuable than being able to play any hero you enjoy to the best of your capabilities? Could these changes actually make people less inclined to play tank because whenever they go orisa, they go winston and you cant play her anymore for example? I don’t think winston would be a losing matchup for orisa but lets pretend.

Sounds fair

I never played WoW, but I have played Paladins, the difference between having Barik as a tank vs having Mei as a tank is the movement. Paladins AD spam keeps you in place essentially while in OW, your hitbox moves all over the place along with accurate hitboxes instead of the big capsules in Paladins. Also in OW you can crouch and you also move faster, adding more hitbox displacement. It’s why in OW you can see people who have played in OWL miss 4+ shots in a row on a Lucio doing all of the tricks I mentioned above. I will admit I went too overboard on the stall point. I should’ve mentioned how strong having a third dps with almost tank sized hp would make tanking even more hell for certain picks like hog or ball.

Your goal is to not have double barrier suboptimal in high ELO, I don’t know if the changes you mentioned will achieve that just yet but I’m okay with it as long as Shooting barriers is less than 50% of the game.

I suppose, I still feel like main tank is more than just a role, if I had rien zarya and you had hog zarya and got rolled, you’d probably be thinking that game would’ve been easier if you had a main tank instead of a better main tank. Main tanks to me are the ones who can initiate team fights, (Orisa Rien Winston Ball) and off tanks do something else but are still helpful for whatever reason (Hog Sig Zarya Sigma can’t initiate fights and his shield is too unpredictable to count on unlike the other shield tanks. Again i’ll believe you on the higher elo for now.

I think the answer that would make much more sense is to have Accretion be Defense Matrixable, If Rien Firestrike can than so should sig’s rock, there’s legit no reason it shouldn’t be eaten by other than new hero bias. That way gets rock and Winston blocks hook.

IDK why I sound like such a jerk making my first response I’m sorry man. My biggest gripe was the mobility, I don’t think he needs this compensation buff with the less storm arrows, Also instead of the arrow change, I’d personally much rather see storm arrows being unable to headshot while keeping the 70 damage it has now. that way it’s more consistent excluding the random factor of headshots deleting winston orisa or hog.

I guess that is true, I haven’t thought about it like that, I always overstay my welcome with winston ult and die tho rip. I still think a shield buff is in order even if it’s just to 800 or something considering hog can destroy it without emptying his clip and that’s ignoring the rest of the team firing into it.

Instead, what if you redistributed her armor and health so she can tank more shots? or maybe baby has reduced ult cost but I guess that’s already covered so good job. :+1:

Honestly, I might be biased but I think Ball would be more viable than at the job you suggested, Ball is great at displacing double shield and ignoring barriers. Can also steal aggro from winston better and let him farm ult longer on top of being tankier than still. i’d suggest more buffs if you want that to not be the reality, I don’t play so I can’t help you there tho.

Oh so these changes are to make close range combat weaker, sounds fine especially since these are the drastic measure changes.
I’m glad we got to talk about your ideas, I hope you left this post with something worth thinking about towards your thought experiment. I think I said everything I wanted to say.

Gonna ready through. FYI, got a whole another remix of these sorts of ideas. With a much larger focus on defense matrix.
Exp Card ideas to Fix Tanks

Basically a “simplified, slimed-down” version of this current post.

Terrible changes. You buffed dive and made all counters unusable against it. You’re mental