Balancing Mystery heroes would make it the one of the best game modes

If duplicate heroes were removed and a framework comp, like a loose 2-2-2 or simply changing the RNG to prefer having at least one of each role on each side at a time would make Mystery Heroes not only one of the more enjoyable game modes, but would actually make it almost competitive.

As it stands, whoever gets either a proper comp or meme comp first will usually win, but with just this slight amount of balancing, I could see it being a viable ‘main’ game mode.

I only say this after getting a hellish 3 Lucios on each team on a Horizon point B match yesterday, and after Jeff Kaplan made a slightly facetious remark about there being no meta in Mystery heroes.

C’mon Devs, make Mystery Heroes great!


Do you really expect blizzard to give you 3 loot boxes for free? They need gamemodes like this to make it more difficult to get loot boxes.

Lootboxes mean nothing. People just know this mode could be awesome if Blizz even slightly tried

It’s called Mystery Heroes. Take away the mystery and it’s just…heroes. I want it to be fully random, and I’m sure most people who regularly play Mystery Heroes agree with me.


Yeah, lootboxes have nothing to do with it. I go onto Misery Heroes when I’m sick of 5 DPS and an Ana or Lucio in QP.

I’d play comp, but tbh comp has been garbage since season 9 ended (and a bit before then really)

Well they took the suicide hero reroll out of the game mode, so they’re not averse to making changes to it. To be honest I’ve had people leap off the map to make sure they keep the same hero after nearly dying. It’s still a game-able system. Having it be fully random does not make it necessarily better, facing against 3 bastions and two Orisas and an Ana on a 2CP attack is not fun and should have some kind of RNG balancing to make sure it doesn’t happen.

How fun, a race to which team gets some kind of real set up

No one’s making you play it if you don’t like it. I love making that desperate race into the backline and dying, but finally taking out that Mercy who’d been rezzing one of their two Orisas. If you prefer other gamemodes, play other gamemodes.


I don’t, I want them to improve this gamemode.

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Blizzard cannot balance quick play or comp what makes you think they can balance mystery heroes

That is a very whale attitude.

“Don’t bother fixing things that could be improved guys”

But the difference is, most people who play the mode like it how it is. You’d be taking that away from us just to give you another thing to play twice a month.


I play it every time I play OW as a change from the standard modes, don’t make assumptions based on your own preconceived notions of who plays what and when.

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I had said most people, not all.


EXACTLY. If I facepalmed as hard as required for threads like these. I’d knock myself out.

Nothing needs improving. This is “mystery heroes”. Not “Almost mystery heroes except the heroes your team already has”


mystery heroes is perfect the way it is thanks.


Wow, that added nothing besides “I disagree”. Citing multiple comments to say the same thing was hardly needed lol

Im also heavily against ANY form of hero restriciton or “balancing” in MH. Mystery Heroes is fine how it is imo. And they already adressed that in a dev update saying, that they may do a “slighty balanced mystery heroes” as an alternative game mode in the future, but thats probably very low on the priority list.


The gamemode we need is:

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MH is fine as it is. They need to make a new game mode with the “balancing” that some people want.

They need to stop ignoring this mode if they’re going to constantly make it one of the only things we can play in a party in the Arcade. The top fix they need to do is make it one character per team. Boom, instantly Mystery Heroes becomes a much better mode with just that.

One of the things I really like about MH is that you can get goofy comps and sometimes you can make them work. If you make roles, or restrictions sure you’ll get viable comps but that’s not what I think a lot of players who aren’t just box farming are going to MH for. I like practicing with heroes because I’m FORCED to play them. I try on ANY hero I get and don’t just run in and die because “oh… I am really bad with this guy”.

With role queues and limits it’s possible just to end up being in support hell if everyone else gets the tanks and the DPS and stays on them. People will have even more reason to “save” their hero if they get a DPS and want to keep it.

MH is fine for the most part, I know I don’t like it when we just aren’t getting any heroes we need to break a random pirate ship or bunker comp… but that’s MH and I know I’ll get my turn eventually.