Balancing my performance not the teams

I want to be jugged by my performance not the teams i cant control how my team play and act and if i try im told im being toxic, my profile should reflect my skill not the skill of the random teams that iv played with every player should be jugged by how well they performed, iv lost count of how many time im playing as a healer and our dps or tanks are just running around like head less chickens we loss and iv done like 20k heals but still end up in gold or sliver coz our team lost
i find that to be bs if im a good healer my profile should reflect that

You got to frag out to carry.

I’m dropping sr from gold as I don’t provide enough value vs enemy supports that are scoring head shots or fat anti nades.

Everybody has to play with brain dead team mates. But the supports that win do the dps’ job for them.

Being healbot doesn’t cut it anymore.

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Your MMR reflects your performance.


No one forcing you to solo q.

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look im not saying that brain dead people should not play what im saying is that why should every match either be a win or loss overwatch analysers so much for what a good or bad ,full stop, out come , i think that a won match should give a win bonus and players should get rank according to they individual skill lets face it so many crap player make it up the ranks thanks to luck or friends help and unlucky skilful players get stuck with crappy teams also how many games have u played when 1 dps is just like a god but u all ranked the same would not happen if every 1 was ranked individual the game would feel fair and balanced no more angry players or not as many

This must be a troll post because that system does exist. If you play well, you will gain more SR per win, and lose less per loss, so even with a 50% winrate, you’ll still climb.


no only for the first few games after ranking then get get between 20 to 30 no matter how good u do

Nope. I regularly get upwards of 30 SR a win.

Typically, you’ll get around 20 to 30 SR per win** . if u get a win streak then u could get a boost so get ur op friends or lady luck to play with u then

They removed bonuses for streaks.

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Okay. If I’m a tank player, and both my supports suck balls, and my dps can’t kill anything, and I’m being focused all the time, how am I supposed to perform well?

Eg, if my team sucks, I might struggle to manage a 1 to 1 kd. Conversely, in a recent game, my team were really solid and I went 18-1 kd with Rein as enemy never focused me.

But agreed that a lot of players seem to be at the wrong sr. Likely as it takes so many games to get players at the right sr, utter noobs getting placed mid gold, etc