Balance Discussion – Apr 2021 – PR & WR Charts

Pickrate Chart

*Normalized Data - adjusting values measured on different scales to a notionally common scale, meaning these stats are comparable not only inside the roles but outside of them too.

Winrate Chart


Rank Hero Pickrate Winrate
1 Mccree 16.73% 52.47%
2 Reinhardt 15.46% 55.15%
3 Zarya 11.61% 56.20%
4 Baptiste 10.94% 54.61%
5 Lucio 10.15% 54.87%
6 Tracer 8.26% 53.50%
7 Hanzo 6.48% 52.04%
8 D.Va 5.51% 52.54%
9 Ana 5.24% 53.04%
10 Doomfist 4.93% 56.29%
11 Junkrat 4.57% 54.76%
12 Ashe 4.44% 54.33%
13 Winston 4.17% 52.13%
14 Wercking Ball 3.57% 51.07%
15 Widowmaker 3.33% 52.30%
16 Zenyatta 3.07% 54.21%
17 Mercy 2.88% 53.03%
18 Mei 2.79% 54.74%
19 Echo 2.53% 53.45%
20 Pharah 2.21% 56.41%
21 Roadhog 1.93% 51.07%
22 Sigma 1.66% 52.47%
23 Soldier 76 1.65% 54.52%
24 Genji 1.65% 53.28%
25 Symmetra 1.34% 56.09%
26 Torbjorn 1.31% 49.09%
27 Brigitte 1.28% 49.88%
28 Bastion 1.00% 55.15%
29 Orisa 0.88% 53.78%
30 Sombra 0.73% 58.17%
31 Moira 0.68% 52.79%
32 Reaper 0.61% 49.59%

Older Charts & Tables
Jan 2021

Pickrate Chart:

Winrate Chart:


Rank Hero Pickrate Winrate
1 Wercking Ball 14.98% 54.14%
2 Tracer 14.64% 55.64%
3 Mccree 14.01% 52.05%
4 Zenyatta 12.78% 55.73%
5 Sigma 9.11% 54.89%
6 Mercy 8.03% 54.09%
7 Ashe 7.29% 55.77%
8 Echo 6.78% 56.61%
9 Zarya 6.26% 55.94%
10 Roadhog 5.79% 52.86%
11 Hanzo 5.34% 52.86%
12 Brigitte 4.45% 53.64%
13 Widowmaker 4.15% 53.15%
14 Baptiste 3.86% 54.10%
15 Ana 3.56% 54.77%
16 Soldier 76 2.82% 55.28%
17 Reinhardt 2.79% 54.55%
18 Lucio 2.40% 53.74%
19 Doomfist 2.11% 56.66%
20 D.Va 1.74% 55.24%
21 Genji 1.70% 55.12%
22 Winston 1.42% 55.28%
23 Torbjorn 1.41% 52.53%
24 Junkrat 1.29% 55.78%
25 Pharah 1.09% 54.97%
26 Symmetra 1.00% 54.99%
27 Sombra 0.85% 54.59%
28 Orisa 0.74% 54.48%
29 Mei 0.66% 54.61%
30 Reaper 0.49% 51.44%
31 Moira 0.30% 58.01%
32 Bastion 0.29% 52.67%

Feb 2021

Pickrate Chart:

Winrate Chart:


Rank Hero Pickrate Winrate
1 Mccree 14.96% 53.36%
2 Zarya 12.57% 55.77%
3 Tracer 12.43% 53.46%
4 Wercking Ball 11.17% 52.38%
5 Zenyatta 9.34% 54.06%
6 Reinhardt 7.21% 56.87%
7 Hanzo 7.19% 52.71%
8 Mercy 6.54% 53.15%
9 Ashe 6.48% 55.68%
10 Widowmaker 5.32% 53.92%
11 Sigma 5.14% 53.39%
12 Baptiste 4.95% 54.35%
13 Ana 4.88% 54.49%
14 Echo 4.81% 54.09%
15 Roadhog 3.93% 50.50%
16 Lucio 3.70% 56.13%
17 Brigitte 3.32% 53.01%
18 Winston 2.47% 54.87%
19 D.Va 2.32% 52.13%
20 Doomfist 2.14% 54.36%
21 Genji 1.87% 53.96%
22 Soldier 76 1.58% 53.40%
23 Junkrat 1.53% 55.71%
24 Torbjorn 1.48% 55.21%
25 Pharah 1.41% 55.96%
26 Symmetra 1.04% 56.09%
27 Mei 0.90% 57.99%
28 Orisa 0.88% 52.91%
29 Sombra 0.78% 48.78%
30 Reaper 0.66% 54.44%
31 Bastion 0.63% 52.33%
32 Moira 0.47% 49.04%

Mar 2021

Pickrate Chart:

Winrate Chart:


Rank Hero Pickrate Winrate
1 Mccree 16.83% 53.33%
2 Reinhardt 16.18% 55.91%
3 Zarya 12.85% 56.26%
4 Baptiste 10.37% 55.31%
5 Lucio 10.01% 56.26%
6 Tracer 8.82% 53.23%
7 Hanzo 6.68% 51.58%
8 Wercking Ball 4.67% 50.87%
9 Ana 4.52% 54.36%
10 Ashe 4.42% 51.91%
11 Doomfist 4.25% 56.84%
12 Mei 4.06% 54.72%
13 Mercy 3.87% 53.26%
14 Widowmaker 3.67% 53.76%
15 D.Va 3.47% 52.26%
16 Zenyatta 3.45% 53.58%
17 Winston 3.04% 54.03%
18 Junkrat 2.94% 52.08%
19 Echo 2.89% 52.65%
20 Genji 2.33% 57.64%
21 Roadhog 2.01% 51.01%
22 Pharah 1.77% 54.20%
23 Sigma 1.74% 49.70%
24 Torbjorn 1.70% 53.72%
25 Brigitte 1.58% 51.36%
26 Symmetra 1.36% 53.64%
27 Soldier 76 1.24% 56.34%
28 Orisa 0.85% 50.14%
29 Reaper 0.56% 56.52%
30 Bastion 0.51% 53.92%
31 Moira 0.47% 46.90%
32 Sombra 0.36% 53.02%

P.S: Charts are going to be posted Monthly at the start of each month around 1:00 PM ET.


Don’t hurt em’ D.Va, Do ya thang… owuuuu


Please somebody do the math on every hero and explain why one hero is overpowered compared to other heroes + / team setups.

and what does that mean for me as a high bronze player.


How are cree players going to defend him this time?


that cree pickrate is why I haven’t touched the game in 3 months


Wercking Ball lol

Nice thread, can’t wait to see McMeta players try to defend him


I honestly hope devs nerf mccree

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But why? Just because he can do everything from any range? The only thing he cant do is to kill with 1 headshot like Widow/Hanzo.


Don’t worry guys it’s just his meta


Something is really wrong with Junkrats pickrate, I really don’t think hes played that much right now and you also don’t see him being played in any stream in GM games

Considering we are talking about GM stats here, Doomfist as well.

Some of these are really weird

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Rank Hero Pickrate Winrate
1 Mccree 16.73% 52.47%
19 Echo 2.53% 53.45%

Thank god they nerfed Echo! :roll_eyes:


Junkrat is 3rd most picked DPS in GM this week; picked over hanzo. That really surprised me too


McCrEe NeEdZ bUfFz StIlL btw


because it is only part of the data.
Unfortunately, Overbuff (source of the data) can only include open profiles in the statistics, which means that the data is incomplete. (Thanks Blizzard ._.)
But it is enough to identify tendencies regarding the most played/strongest heroes.


When doing a poll, do you ask everyone or take a portion of the population


I feel like nothing has changed really over the years.

Which is kinda a failure on Blizzards part.

They should had made a better attempt at fixing the lower picked heroes.

But every time they seem to try, they go back on it.

And that’s just degraded things further.


The amount of focus on PRs is the most frustrating thing about the community…

And we make such a huge deal out of differences of next to nothing in win rates…the difference in the community between OP meta hero and complete garbage trash hero can be like 1% more likely to win a match…it’s stupid

They are TERRIBLE metrics for the game…they don’t really tell you much about what actually happens in game…

Like look at both those tables and tell me why X is picked over Y…it’s useless information in terms of an actual balance discussion

It’s why the balance discussion as a whole in the community is so pointless…(and garbage)

And funnier yet is people take offense to that concept…how dare you Baja!!! Pick rates are everything!!!


it depends on. With a video game like Overwatch it is very easy to include all players in the statistics, since the data is available anyway. If it weren’t for those stupid private profiles, the statistics could be very accurate.

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Private profiles are there for those who have issues getting bullied because they are a mei main or smthn idk

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Can you sort each category by pickrate? It would make it easier to read.