Balance changed desperately needed

Have 1 shots penalize for missing.

hanzo and widow should not be free to miss 90% of their shots and then get a 1 shot kill randomly. skill should be rewarded, and bad play should be punished.

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So they should get punished for not being 100% accurate with their shots? Seems about right.


Missing shots = time wasted.

What more do you want?


no one shots, or to have one shots be punished for missing.

Missing a shot leaves them open and gives away their position.

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Like I just said, one shots that miss equate to time being wasted.

Additionally, if they miss their shots that opens windows that allow them to be jumped on.

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that is assuming they dont get a shot every second or so, that isnt time wasted, that is free opportunity.

How would you punish them?

A gentle whisper is heard through their speakers
“why do you keep missing?”
“he’s right there”
“choke” “choke” “choke”
“just give up”

but quietly, so much so they can’t tell the sound is coming from their speakers

Honestly though, you can’t punish snipers for missing just like you can’t punish healers for other players dying beyond the implicit more likely to lose

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I would punish them by removing the ability to 1 shot until they start landing shots. have the 1 shots be rewarded from consecutive hits.


just remove 1 shots altogether for the good of overwatch.

Your hypothetical example was about hanzo and widow not being punished for missing 90% of their shots. I’m here to tell you they already are being punished.

If they miss 90% of their shots, then 9 out of 10 shots is a miss. That’s pretty terrible in of itself because each miss is damage that isn’t being dealt where it needs to be. Had the sniper players picked a hero who they’re less likely to miss with they could make more impactful plays with fewer shots, ergo give them more time on the objective.

Also, if the one-shotters in question are snipers, the solution is barriers. It’s always been barriers. That, plus using terrain to your advantage so you avoid their line of sight.


How about you and every other player like you stop ignoring the sniper freely shooting at your team so she doesn’t randomly get those 1 shots. How about that?

But if your character relies on one shots, and keeps missing them, then they’re useless.
That’s why noone wants to have a Widow on their team in low tiers.
She keeps missing, and she’s useless. Isn’t that a huge punishment already?

Willustrate said it quite well, so I’m not gonna repeat what he already said.

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and then that random headshot is garbage, they are rewarded even though they are playing badly.

honestly, who here gets 1 shotted and feels like it wasnt total bull?

It does feel bad, sometimes even unfair, but, would you rather face a Hanzo that can’t hit anything, and just gets lucky once a minute, or a Junkrat looking in your general direction and doing lots of damage?

bad players pick widow and hanzo, and are useless, but they get a random 2 headshots and feel justified for picking the hero they have contributed nothing with.

and why not? they get free kills the few times they land shots.

if I die to junkrat, I feel like I deserve it for being in a bad position or outplayed.

1 shot from a sniper that spent the last minute missing me or getting body shots? that is nothing but garbage, pure garbage, pure bad game design garbage.