Balance Change Discussion

Change Discussion…

i see some changes that were long requested on here that werent even mentioned with 222 in mind…some highlights

  • rein cc passive
  • brig shield nerf
  • sombra hack/emp nerf (ugh)
  • sym teleporter changes
  • orisa shield nerf
  • ashe reload buff


The Reinhardt passive sounds pretty good.

They killed Orisa giving this passive to Rein and nerfing her shield


She got an ability for that, where nothing works on her

These sym changes have me scratching my head

what am i missing here? breaks if its placed further than it can be placed?!?!?!

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Nerf the :poop: out of Reaper, Doomfist, Pharah, Hammond. I flex because I can’t rely on my DPS to switch to deal with them, now you’re telling me I can’t switch?

No, screw those heroes. Nerf them to hell.

No you just suck, that’s the problem

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it means on maps like volskya(spelling?) you can’t place it on the moving platforms to get a ton of extra range.

Nano blade is gone with the ULT reduction to an extent

also brigspam

Hack is slightly better to deal with now.

I’m pretty okay with all of these except the Brigitte changes. Most of the changes are minor, or are just needed (i.e. Symm).

Brigitte… just got nerfed, again. F. I like the changes to her healing, but the self-Inspire and Barrier changes are… bad.


ah…got ya…makes sense

3 insta cast heals sounds crazy good though…there were nerfs…but that one change seems like it can be scary good

its over three seconds.

So they can die through it too


The repair packs were nerfed to apply over two seconds, so they weren’t insta-heals. She basically had three charges to apply pre-nerf Mercy healing for 2 seconds. It’s not outrageous, I don’t think–even with Inspire, she’s applying about Ana-levels of healing, with the obvious caveats of cooldown and melee proc.

She needed buffs overall, and I think the Repair Pack changes were very well self-contained to mildly buff her without being overbearing. The rest of the changes… not so much.

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They’re charges, like Blinks, you can still run out and have to wait crazy long to get them all back.


Dude Ashe’s reload time. from 3.6 seconds to 3 seconds. HUGE. This Ashe main is excited.

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I think it’s for stuff like the moving platforms on Volskaya. So you couldn’t place the new tele with infinite time on one of the platforms and wait for it to loop around before teleporting. Because it would be essentially teleporting your entire team across the map.

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She’s actually a healer now. I think these changes are great for the game

Wow … and in one patch the entire game is changed.