Bad matchmaking as a beginner and how I destroyed 20 games

You don’t even need to get good, they just have to understand that new players are VERY ignorant of this game, even someone that has basic aim skills and knows what every hero does and can do is much MUCH better than new players since they quite literally have no idea what is going on. Starting new players in Bronze 5 should be the default.

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Who will show them proper usage of heroes and abilities then?

I have absolutely no idea what it is you are talking about.

If all new players will be at bronze 5, they will remain at bronze 5, since they will be surrounded by players of bronze 5.

And if they win, their SSR will go up.

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Considering that you had to get lucky to win in quickplay, they really need to look into matchmaking for new players. Most just get destroyed and lose every game. I’d imagine it’s pretty demotivating.

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It looks like people are placed in matches according to mmr rather than sr. OP’s placement experience somewhat mirrors my own, though I did manage seven wins before getting placed in dps and support.


They said they lowered new player starting MMR to bronze 1 or something but that doesn’t seem to be working, I guess.

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Very well explained, OP.

Blizzard has taken so many measures (ostensibly) to help new players, but I feel like most of them have backfired. Do new players really benefit from having their rank hidden, for example?


The problem is OW has a LOT of meta knowledge to play it optimally, even if you have good aim skills, without that meta knowledge you will get crushed easily.

Case in point my brother, a CoD enthusiast tried this game for the first time, and funny enough picked soldier 76 without me telling him its a hero he could probably play. He immediately ran into a reinhardt, started shooting at his shields, than the reinhardt smacked him in the face and he died. He said the game was stupid and quit.

The idea that they think new players would be anything but bronze 5 is laughable. FPS skills don’t carry over into OW, no matter how good of aim you have, if you trying to 1v1 a roadhog because he’s fat and must be easy to shoot, you’re going to have a bad time.

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50/50 natural means ur in elo hell if its natural close games.

not the case here bro

They avoided one, perhaps, most important feature - allowing two players to pick same heroes, so one player can show other, how it’s done on that exact hero.

Because most efficient method of teaching always was “do like me” - you show what has to be done, while explaining, why it’s done in that way in that specific situation, and allowing to copy your actions.

Instead they chose to cover up information, as effort to reduce toxicity.

A bit, since now they can’t be singled out based on their rank. But it can’t hide their lack of experience, so they still will be singled out.

Did you mean to reply to me?

Funny because I had been plat and up in OW1 and immediately saddled into low gold in S1. I won’t even comp anymore.

…I would think a beginner trying to learn 30+ heroes isn’t as concerned with winning/losing as they are coping with the deluge of heroes/abilities/maps/modes/etc to learn…? …wins will come as they get a better understanding of the game…? :thinking:

Honestly think they need to remove the part that checks your skill and assigns you SSR based on some random thing and just make it a flat +25 or -25 for a win/lose. Their ability to determine skill at this point is proving to be broken.

Not fun “learning” when you are playing against people clearly better than you and lose 20+ times in a row.

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If only someone could pick same hero as you do to demonstrate you, what to do and how to use them.

…when you’re ‘new’ at something, everyone is better than you… :wink:

Like a tutorial or something? Sure they could try that, wouldn’t hurt this game to have a coaching system.

No, actual live demonstration. No tutorial can demonstrate all possible combat situations.

Players need context, rather than simple “press this button” kind of tutorial.