Bad matchmaking as a beginner and how I destroyed 20 games

Absolutely not. They never interact with their community. Post it on Reddit and you’ll have a better chance.


nonse!!! “you just need to gitgud” and some other stuff that the blizzard shill employee of the month is gonna post as a responde in this post


Damn thats bad. They need to understand how bad this experience is as a beginner and many people will quit before they get good in this game.


Its the same internal ranking system as before (atleast for begineers)

Only real change they made is they heavily relaxed the matchmaker to allow masters and plats to be on the same team


Yeah I don’t really get what happened. Even now in season 2 half of my games have masters+ players in them. Regardless of whether the ability to climb is based on personal performance, it just doesn’t feel FUN whatsoever. I don’t mind there being a stat variation in who you VS but come on, Masters vs Golds is not a challenge, it’s a one-sided stomping.

They have already acknowledged the experience is miserable for new players. It only took them 3 months…

The sad thing is that even if they manage to improve newcomers’ experience any time soon the damage is already done because many of them have already uninstalled most likely.

How many of those 30 million players they claimed to have after launch are still actively playing?


Nah, you didn’t destroy anything. It’s not your fault you’re put in those games.


Yes, the matchmaking needs to be fixed, I’m fed up with the losing streak in ranked on support role, my real elo is high diamond on OW1 and S1 of OW2 (almost master) and with the decai i go down to gold 1 on S2 and with this matchmaking, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to go back to where I was, game after game, my team is silver / gold and the enemy team well balanced with masters, diamonds and the lowest a platinum, this needs to be fixed NOW


I thought new players are already placed in bronze 5 now. It was in their post about how matchmaking works

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lol i told some of this sheit is gonna be posted brah

just copy SC2 matchmaking and add rank decay once you hit D1
so the ones who want to be at the top need to fight for it and not just rush there and then quit for the season

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Honestly, they should probably add a players MMR in real time to player profiles, and get rid of the 7 win 20 loss thing. The profiles are already hidden behind a block system from non friends, so its not like “everyone” would see it, and it would eliminate questions about where people are ranked. Under the current system, the label “bronze, silver, gold etc…” is just a fake “skin” masking a true number, because the way they are using your MMR, and the way they want you to “climb back to your rank” season after season, makes it a fake skin. The way it works now, is you have diamond players labeled as silver, playing with diamond also labeled as silver, so the games feel much worse for the ranking and drive people insane.

Case in point, less people would complain about “rank” if they simplified the MMR and showed you your score, and you knew if you won a game, up say 5 points, if you lose a game, then say down 5 points etc… super simple. Then Blizzard can concentrate thier time, money and energy fixing matchmaking so people of similar rank, are qued together (which they are supposedly attempting to fix).

To further this point, at the end of a season, either start everyone back at bronze 5 (bad idea and a long climb back up), or only minimally degrade each MMR to round it to the 100s in the category they are in (end of season your 1750, then new season your 1700) etc… Master and Grand Master dont want to be placed with silvers or golds, and silver and golds dont want to see themself as bronze. everyone wants to stick in or around their level grouping, even if there is still a little bit of a climb or progression.

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Don’t worry about it OP, this game always was pile of trash for beginners. As you can’t even have someone pick same hero to show you the ropes.

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You don’t even need to get good, they just have to understand that new players are VERY ignorant of this game, even someone that has basic aim skills and knows what every hero does and can do is much MUCH better than new players since they quite literally have no idea what is going on. Starting new players in Bronze 5 should be the default.

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Who will show them proper usage of heroes and abilities then?

I have absolutely no idea what it is you are talking about.

If all new players will be at bronze 5, they will remain at bronze 5, since they will be surrounded by players of bronze 5.

And if they win, their SSR will go up.

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Considering that you had to get lucky to win in quickplay, they really need to look into matchmaking for new players. Most just get destroyed and lose every game. I’d imagine it’s pretty demotivating.

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It looks like people are placed in matches according to mmr rather than sr. OP’s placement experience somewhat mirrors my own, though I did manage seven wins before getting placed in dps and support.