Back to Widow being a "throw" pick

Players and Blizzard only want their Tracer and Genji to come back and only be the viable Damage in the game. I’m starting to see this.


Hate to be that guy but, you spelled Mercy wrong

Since when was Mercy a throw pick? I’ve played since close beta, NEVER heard those words even after her rework.

50 hps Mercy shortly after Ana came out was garbage.

Both widow and Mercy were throw picks then

It will because she won’t be able to get in position as frequently to get picks (cause damage). So yes mobility and damage are related. lol

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My boi, Mercy still wasn’t a “throw” pick around that time. It was, “If you can’t aim, play Mercy please.” Now even tho I have a lot of hours on widow people think Ana is a throw pick unless it’s Mercy…

You act like air shooting is easy though. It’s a skill, a hard one at that. Happens successfully what 2-3 times a match. It also makes her fun to play. As Widow would say, “Please leave”.

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The statement was more of a sarcastic remark intended to imply to the contrary of Widowmaker being a “throw pick” simply due to this nerf to her mobility. Also, while on a 10 second CD, it will not be difficult at all to get in position.

If that was before the beyblade meta, mercy and widow wasn’t a throw pick

Throw picks then, was torb and sym, as well as the yet to be buffed Junkrat who was a completely different tier of his due to self-damage.

It’ll make it harder though and we can’t look at this change in a vacuum. Lots of other changes are happening which will make mobility changes like this x2 worse than they would be if this was just done alone. That’s my issue with it. Why nerf her grapple before seeing how these other changes will affect her first.

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I made no such claims, I stated that it was unfun to die to every 20 seconds or so, and once you get it down, you can reliably take out targets with little to no interaction from the enemy heroes, except maybe their Widowmaker.

Blizzard has made attempts previously to do changes “one at a time”, and the general consensus is that they dislike that, claiming the changes are “too slow”. There is a lot happening right now, with the DPS falloff buffs, support buffs/nerfs, and the soon arrival of Wrecking Ball, it seems to not be in Widowmaker’s favor, but all we can do right now is speculate.


She’s a sniper. Their defining weaknesses should be direct, close-range confrontation. A sniper that is constabtly able to run away and stall practically every attempt to approach and secure a kill is shoddy design.

And Widow wasn’t even bad in the last dive meta, she easily beat Genji in pickrate and that was because of the buff that dampened her main weakness.

I mean that’s not a Widow exclusive issue. I get it, being one shot isn’t fun but the game already gives you so many other tools to deal with Widow; people just don’t want to use them. That’s not Widow’s fault though.

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She was a throw pick back then. She’s a sniper but even snipers need some mobility. If they can’t reposition they might as well stay in spawn. lol

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Dude, It’s not just a 2second nerf. You have to worry about the cast time and reel time. Us widow mains have to also worry about if it will function as intended or not which is a HUGE QoL change. Also, widow doesn’t have the luxury to fight on point. Her hook is not like Tracer where she can casually blink away and find a healing pack. She’s NOT capable of running away like you guys make it. 9/10 times I hook towards the closest healer and ask them to OUT HEAL the enemies damage.

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That last sentence right there is why you are a low ranked widow main lol. Dont blame blizz for your lack of skill.

Please explain your self. How does that make me a low rank widow for relying on my team in a team game…? Right? Team game right?


Widow was far from a “throw-pick” during dive; she easily beat Genji in pickrate.

She’s just considered a “throw-pick” because low-ranked players aren’t good enough to use her sufficiently.