Back to Widow being a "throw" pick

Even with 12 Sec grapple she wasn’t ever a throw pick.


I mean, Hammond is going to be a niche pick once the fun wears off.

She’s the most oppressive hero in gm games. ‘Muh…She’s a throw pick in plat rank’ she will always be a throw pick in bad ranks, unless you make her extremely busted. She needed this nerf.
Widow was never ever a throw pick btw.


What game were you playing? Widow pls switch.


Wahhhhh your easy point and click mouse nonsense is getting nerfed? Go cry somewhere else

She wont be Throw pick unless Dive meta rules again. If not she is okay, if is then she is in the garage with other hitscan heros

I was playing Overwatch and Widow was back then in Season 5 a common pick but only if you was good with her and it will be still the same now.


Before Widow got initially buffed most people asked to go to
10 seconds from 12 seconds. She will still be better than she used to be.

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Seriously? Yes I’m gonna complain about a grapple nerf. IT’S GLITCHY AS HELL!! Just on 8 sec CD I die while being dove on because it wont lock on or locks on the wrong target that I aimed at. I’m mad because it’s a big QoL change to widow. I’m mad because I’ve invested a lot of time to improve on her. Now she’s nerfed all because of some other hero that makes at dive unplayable. “She’s OP at masters/GM” Well DUH. They have better mechanical skills and positioning…


Literal actual trolling right here folks

Better than she use to be doesn’t mean viable though. She’s actually viable right now with her 8 second CD. 2 seconds is a lot of time. This could very well put her back in the trashcan. Not to mention all of the other indirect nerfs she is receiving. Even the Mercy nerf affects majorly, Hammond, the hit scan falloff buffs, etc. It’s too much, they didn’t need to nerf her grapple.

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too bad triple tank dive is about to be meta and its going to take another 6 months for any changes to make her good again at which point it will be too late because a new hero will probably be coming to change the meta


Then ask for bug fixes instead of complaining about the cooldown.


This guys gets it. It’s not like we used the grapple to just escape and poof, we’re fine. 9/10 times Widow use grapple to go towards the closest healer (Primarily Mercy) to out heal dmg received. Even on an 8sec CD, Widow needs a baby sitter. @Tenor!!! REEEEEEEEE!! WE HAVE ASKED FOR BUG FIXES!! But this CD nerf is also still important. It’s a QoL nerf!!!

Eh, Widowmaker won’t be a throw pick, she’s still useful tbh.

Widow has never not been a decent pick in higher ranks; she can one shot a good chunk of the roster. Even back in dive she was alternated with Genji depending on the team and the map. As long as Widow can one shot people, she’ll be viable.

Again, one that was needed, yet one that won’t affect most players who have any sense of positioning.

People have and we haven’t received them. Until we get them the CD should stay at 8. It’s not fair to nerf a buggy hook and then tell the players to just deal with it.

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Hanzo can one shot and do a million other things. He has and will continue to be overall better than Widow especially now that she is getting her only source of mobility nerfed.

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Widow needed a nerf, but nerfing Widow, Hanzo, AND Brig all in the same patch makes me very nervous… I don’t like this meta, but I want a new one, not just Dive 2.0.

Of course she’s a decent pick in higher ranks… What do you expect of people with proper mechanical skills and positioning. Should AWP players in higher CSGO rank get nerfed because of how efficient they are? Widow was NEVER a problem until BRIG!!!

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