Baby D.Va teleported to Oblivion after Ultimate

I got teleported to a point very distant off the map the moment I used my Ultimate. I was playing Mystery Heroes. I have no idea why it happened.

https:// gfycat com/ThunderousCreativeIzuthrush
(can’t include links for some reason)

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It’s happened to me twice in mystery heroes. Both times a mercy tried reviving me on one character, but my respawn timer ran out before they finished and I spawned as D.VA. I continued playing till I used my ult as D.VA, and baby D.VA was teleported off the map. The first time at junkertown, and second time at Dorado.

Same happened to me in mystery heros with too (exept it was when the mek died and baby popped out instead of when i ulted) ! Haiiiiiiiii - YouTube

Happened to me just now on PS4 on mystery heroes in Numbani. My mech was destroyed by Genji’s dragonblade and I teleported to the far corner of the map.

Video here: