Avoid this teammate feature

I used to think along these lines somewhat so I can see where you are coming from. It used to even tilt me some but I am more relaxed now. My thought process went like this:

“How can these toxic trolls, griefers and throwers be my peers?”

It is a good way to self-tilt :wink:

I wouldn’t suggest the Matchmaker is broken, but I’m always an advocate of trying to make things better :slight_smile:
A couple of things which I see as potentially wrong with the current system:

  • I am of the opinion that there is a difference between group play and solo-queue. There is a higher random factor in solo-queue (the fact you can’t control who is on your team, which is simply not present in stacking). Ultimately your final performance in 6 stacking is how much you are willing to prepare to compete, this ‘harder matches’ perception is just a result of lack of organisation by the 6 stacks. Someone who then leaves the 6 stack may be out of their depth in solo-queue.
  • Even in a duo queue, you can boost players up to levels that they are unable to compete at in solo queue. I guarantee I can bring almost anyone to Gold+ just duo queuing with them
  • Because the SR system isn’t reset, the effects of SR leveling services are permanent, putting people up to ranks they don’t belong and hindering others who try to climb legitimately (somewhat)
  • Initial placements are quite random as 10 matches isn’t sufficient time to get people to where they belong, it just gets a ‘feel’ for it. Quite often you may run into someone who hasn’t been placed at the level they belong

Those are just some of the problems with the existing system? But do they mean Matchmaking is broken? I wouldn’t say so. Sure it could be refined, but then again I don’t know server populations etc etc, so it may actually be in a fantastic equilibrium at the moment (apart from perception) I just don’t have enough insight into the data to say for sure.

In short, whereas my infinite block scenario may not be the worst way that Avoid Player as Teammate could be abused it doesn’t indicate that the MM is fundamentally flawed. I think if we were to be truthful about it, we just don’t have enough information on that subject to form a proper objective opinion as opposed to the subjective one we feel when we play comp.

I played 100 hours on soldier in qp, and 150 hours on Comp to improve myself. However, I was in Plat ~ Diamond when I was playing soldier, but 4200 ~ 4500 by playing off meta heroes. You gotta accept the fact that some people can’t always get better just by practicing. You sometimes need the Talent to be good at the game. Unfortunately, I don’t have the talent to be good at the meta heroes.

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you have ever thought perhaps you don’t belong in 4200-4500? maybe you should be in plat/diamond if you’re unable to flex. this game IS about playing multiple heroes. rather than ruining the experience of your other 5 teammates every game

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I already stopped responding to him earlier. I can’t speak to someone who thinks that watching paint dry by holding down left click is fun and ruining everyones gaming experience constantly

You can do that now, by grouping up in a stack.
Other wise your team is NOT just you. It’s you and 5 other random players. No one is going to trust your avoid list and it’s highly subjective reasons for blocking people.

You can’t just hand over match making control to the player base. People would avoid everyone on a losing team after every game. You’re trying to bend the entire player population to your view of what a team of 6 should look/play like vs going and finding 5 others who already share your view point.


So go play quickplay and learn other roles? I’m not wizard but i’d say that 1 person not having fun is better than 5 people not having fun. Also if you dont know how to play multiple characters than you shouldnt be playing competitive, sorry.

This is the key right here. Its the needs of the many outweighing the needs of a few. If sacrificing the fun of one player vs 5 (or possibly 11 if you include the other team not getting a challenge), then it should be done.

The point of Overwatch is to consistently change heroes in order to fit the situation. If you can ONLY play one hero then you NEED to learn another. This is the OW Team’s way of nicely telling you this.

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23 and Football Birthdays - Numberphile

search this on youtube.

2 is a low number, but the more add the more it grows…exponentially.

if everyone is allowed 4 players to avoid, the pool is squared, not doubled. because players you avoid, your teammates essentially avoid them as well. I suspect they’ll bump it up to 5 or 10. Maybe later than soon though.

the proper way to play Overwatch is no limits. But instead of reworking Maps and mechanics, they just did away with it. You can have to Proc Warriors in WoW RBGs, why not Overwatch then?

xQc has an dps alt account that’s in diamond. eeveea has an dps alt account that’s in plat. Can you argue that they belong in plat ~ diamond? I don’t think so. Also, you mentioned that the game is about playing multiple heroes, but why would I play support and tank if I am more superior at dps. Many people won’t even argue about my skill if I main tracer, but a lot of people claim that I don’t belong here just because I can’t play what people call “the meta heroes”.

If you prefer to stay in low rank for the team, go for it. I am not gonna argue about it. You are doing great things for the community. However, I would rather play the heroes that I am good with, and be more productive for myself as well as for the team.

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Two isn’t enough, in my opinion, should be way more I will have a full blacklist of 1 trick, and throwers period all the way down the line I just had it with them!

I think it’s great but I have my 2 already to be used on people who dropped out of matches on my team. So now I’m stuck with the toxic uncontrollable players who just throw all day and any future team jumpers.

I understand why they added it and why they limited it, but they need to bridge the gap or something. I just don’t think 2 blocks are anywhere near what you need regardless of what they think people will use them for.

You can argue until your blue in the face. At the end of the day your que time will tell you if you are a problem or not. If the community doesn’t want you playing the way you play you won’t get games. You either need to adapt and get better or go find another game or mode to play in.

Remember - you are playing a team based - competitive game mode. where META - The Most effective tactics available will reign supreme.

Please give a valid argument. Just insulting me isn’t strong enough to backup your “argument”

This is a very dangerous mindset. There are only 10 characters that’s viable in this game, and 17 of them are consiered not viable. Do you really want to see the same comp every time? Do you really want to see people asking “Can you not play torb” on def? I am not sure about you, but I don’t lul

useless feature and won’t make a difference.

Can understand your pessimism but don’t you think it is better than the alternative (ie. nothing)?

Yes sometimes the levels of toxicity and trolls can seem overwhelming but now you have another tool in your repertoire you can use to fight back and make the game experience more your own.

Many good things take time and refinement, I would have been very against the reintroduction of Avoid Player v1.0 just because I could easily see it being abused and it would need to be removed again. I’d rather have something small (yet effective) that could or may be refined over time than something which is all or nothing (what we had before)

I don’t see the same comp every game. There are 28 hero’s in this game and they all have a place some are more a skill set specifically for defense some don’t. But playing only torn and sym doesn’t have a place.

You’re a torb sym one trick. That means you’re really good on defense but if you can’t play torb it sym you’re borderline useless.

You’re not special. You will end up having to 6 Stack with people who want to play with you or not playing at all. If you que with the general public you will have to adapt to what it wants.

I have zero sympathy for people like you because you hold a whole team hostage.

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Actually, I play reaper on attack and sym torb on defense.

Then you have no idea what off meta even means.

I technically see the same comp every time. Either dive or OrisaHog. Also does meta even matter? Do you always have to play the meta heroes? If yes why? The point of playing the meta hero is to have the highest winrate in the game, but if you are bad at it why play the meta heroes?

this is exactly why we need an LFG interface. people will be begging for people who can play symetra, but she’s gotta be ready to flex.