Automatic Suspensions based on number of reports - False reports

I know people that report every game, for no reason other then HE TOOK CHARACTER I DONT LIKE.

Im not really sure how that is acceptable when we have suspension system based on reports treshold. And no You dont get suspended for falsely reporting a person.

We tested this, Last ~3 weeks my buddy did 312 false reports (we wrote the number down), his account was not suspended, he did not get a single warning from game for being reported too many times, no warning of being avoided too often, and no email from blizzard regarding his false reports.

Now he reports everyone in the match every game out of spite… wtf

Ehm, excuse me? Is this a joke?


Sounds like “your friend” is a joke.

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Its my friend :slight_smile: cause all my accounts are momentally suspended. So he does this experiment alone. Suspension for me , expires in a week+. Too lazy to buy new account atm when its kinda short suspension

Sounds like a classic case of “I’ve become the very thing I swore to destroy”.


They were just experimenting like your friend why should they get sanctioned? Dont you smell just a little bit of hypocrisy?

Maybe stop the experiments? :slight_smile:

The whole system is based on “trust” score of the other accounts. (maybe even Cross-Account fingerprinting, not sure about that!)
Not every report is of equal value and there is also information that the system takes into account which makes a report more credible.

If your account has been in existence for a long time and has never been noticed in a negative way, and perhaps some of the reports you have submitted have been confirmed as valid, your trust score is very high.

Let’s say you play with 4 other players in a group with the same account qualities and you report the same player simultaneously. Then the chances that this player will be banned are not that small.

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Source of this information?

Single reports don’t send alarms to CS.

Well of course i don’t have a source, but would you imagine the amount of spam they’d recieve?

Other companies do it that way and that is in line with my observations.
(For example Valves “Rainbow of trust”, to fight cheaters) []

There are a few “best practices” and it is simply an educated guess that these are adopted completely or adopted in a slightly modified way.
There are mathematical models that can determine a player’s trust score fairly reliably.

The only requirement is that the player base is “clean” (not false reporting) to a very large extent.
Procedures like this are well established. It’s no secret.

Machine-learned trust scoring for player matchmaking

Blizzard has also been working with DeepMind for some time. [AlphaStar]
Perhaps some day they will allow “a.i.” to be used in the assessment of violations. This information would certainly be published, and I would be very happy to hear about it in the future. In any case, it’ s not far off.

But for now, it will work the way I suggest, simply because you need to prioritize the number of reports. It is simply too much, if they did not prioritise, the reports would probably be delayed by 2 years.


Interesting, well i mean it would make a sense that reports from someone who reported 10 true cheaters would be more valuable in future than from someone who falsely report people who dont cheat for example.

that is not true, you are literally guessing and putting your wishes there.

Sounds like you need some new friends.

My case is building.

And it is confirmed. You need to find some new friends.

See what hanging out with the wrong crowd can do?

Hanging out with the wrong crowd has made you lazy too.

There has been no evidence that reports even go to an actual person. I’ve run tests in the past and there does not seem to be any “trust value” given to any specific account. It does, however, appear to be a 1:1 value to a report quota system.

I legit had 50 people report me for a non-verbal reason (inactive) and had a suspension trigger on my account.

Also I report people everyday, some legit and some for character choice. Both have had account action notices sent to me. I got 4 in a row just the other day.

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i’ve said it before and I’ll say it again
every perma ban in this game from ab chat or sabotage is bs because of false reports counting in the overall actioning of accounts

but nobody ever listens

also only person ever punished for so called false reporting to wich jeff has stated is a “bannable offence”

Was xqc cause he did it live on stream in front of thousands that they had to manually action him for it

and to date he is the only player ever had actioned taken on them for false reporting

This actually explains a lot. I see so many people saying they never get notifications for reporting while I’m getting one for almost every single time I reported someone.

Probably because you report people who should be reported and they report anyone who didnt carry them :rofl:

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Well that’s what I was thinking too till I read his theory lol


I want to be carried! Just report people?!?!

Yeah you have to set a goal to yourself, ban anyone who cant carry you so you can climb :rofl: