Australian servers down?

I played like 2 games this morning but now i cant join any games or get into the practice range. This has been happening for a couple hours now is there somewhere i can see server status or something!?


Everyone is getting the “Error starting game, trying again” Error messsage.

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It’s a new feature in the patch. Fail to load into OCE matches so we only get 140ms Singapore servers.

OW2 is SO much better than OW1. Amazing work guys


I cant even start a game

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How on earth is there no official communication from blizzard on this? How hard is it to tell if your entire server is down? Actually mind boggling.


Can’t find a single Aussie server. Only ever joins singapore servers. Issue way worse after latest update.


Small indie developer, gotta cut em some slack :wink:
But nah this is full broken, first the servers weren’t working and you couldn’t get into a game at all yesterday, now its full on just go to Singapore or wherever with 150+ ping.
Fine cool, if theres an issue you need to fix, go ahead and do so. BUT TELL US.


Yep, there are no AUS servers available at all, I keep getting placed in GSG servers - so I’d say there is a problem, Question is whether Blizz will actually fix it.

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Been 2 days now. Was once put on Taiwanese server (or so) and had to play on 360ms ping. The rest was Singapore servers at 120ms-140ms ping. I’m on a lose streak just because I have to play on those servers with random 1200ms-3000ms ping spikes. Please fix this.


I wonder if they had issues with the servers and just took them all offline to fix them :thinking: Not a defence at all, this should have been a high priority emergency type situation instead of “yeah just take them offline we’ll get to it next week”.

this is unplayable. this is unplayable.

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classic blizzard, can we get any update or idea of wtf is happening, this is pathetic

yo blizzard, fixing this sh@% when?

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It has been days since this issue first started. Been putting up with such a small OCE server group for so long and now there are zero Sydney servers all together. I think im done with this game. So much has been ruined in Ow2 compared to Ow1.

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It’s been terrible for days now, and much worse than usual. I have played one game in the past week that wasn’t on the gsg1 Singapore server.

It has gotten so bad, I have requested a refund of the battle pass. I consider playing on gsg1 unplayable for a first person shooter.

really frustrating that there isn’t even any communication about this.

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Where are our servers???.. I cant play this game at 140ms… haha

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Classics Blizzard disappointing a whole part of their player base.

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Why can’t we get a “Hey guys we know there is an issue and we’re working on it” from Blizz?

Or have they just stopped all OCE servers and hoped we wouldn’t notice?


Im getting high ping servers again, anyone else?