[AUS] [Bronze] looking for people to climb with owo

Hi! I’m a bronze tank and support main looking for people to play competitive with. I’m quite new to FPS games and Overwatch (I only started playing this year), and in particular the competitive scene. This is my first comp season that I have decided to take the game more seriously and mainly play comp, and my first proper comp season as last season I just did placements.

I’m looking for friendly, non-toxic people who are willing to put in effort to climb out of bronze and improve. Help with callouts are a plus, because even though I can target and shot call quite effectively I will need some help lol, as well as knowing your way around maps, counter picks, etc.

I should also mention I can play almost any tank and support, however I specialise in D.Va, Zarya, Mercy and Ana. I’m also okay at Widowmaker and Echo too, if I ever feel like queuing for dps in comp.

Maybe I’m being a bit too ambitious but, if you’re interested in joining me feel free to message me on discord (emmy#7319) or leave a reply !

Sent u a friends request on discord :slight_smile:

sent you a fr on discord, been looking for a group as i haven’t played in over a year until recently and my old one has since disbanded

(was gold in season 2, and id like to think i still know my way around the game)