Auriel Mercy Skin

Makes sense.
(20 cha

An Auriel skin for Mercy would be really awesome (I am still struggling to find a skin on her that I really like, and this one would be simply perfect).
Also, it would be a nice detail, I believe, if the person you are damage boosting or healing would get a little “crown” above their head (as long as your beam is connected to them).
I never played Diablo, but in Heroes of the Storm, Auriel can “Bestow an allied Hero with Hope” [While they remain near Auriel, damage they deal causes her to gain energy. Auriel can only have Bestow Hope on 1 ally at a time.]
While the ally is targeted with Bestow Hope, he is marked with a crown above his head.
Mercy already has a beam linked to her ally to indicate who she is healing/buffing, but I think this kind of detail would still be neat (as Mercy can only link her beam to one ally at time like Auriel’s Bestow Hope, while needing to stay close to that ally. Plus, doing so helps Mercy gain ultimate charge, similar to Auriel gaining energy) :]
The crown wouldn’t need to be too big either, and would be more centered above the head than Zen’s orbs (which tend to lean more on the side), so it wouldn’t interfere with those.

I don’t know, might just be me who is a bit crazy on details ^^’


It would be very nice! I don’t know why they didn’t it for Blizzard World :thinking:

Blizzard: gives Mercy a skin of a character from another game that has ult rez.

Mercy mains yodel eternally.


She just got a Legendary and you guys want yet another one?

Jesus christ let others get Legendaries first. She has 5 legendaries and almost all of them are for each event (the only event she doesn’t have a legendary for is Winter Wonderland and Anniversary, and she has 2 skins for Summer Games. Granted, the other is an Epic but still). Meanwhile, Ana has only 2. Sombra and junkrat only have 3. And Reinhardt literally only has 1 (discounting the permanent skins).

Auriel+Malthael (Reaper) bundle would be lovely


Next patch: "Given our massive success with pink Mery, we now introduce Auriel Mercy.

Price: 50€ with a 10% cut given to some charity."



I play Auriel in HOTS, this would be an awesome skin for Mercy in OW.
I’m still hoping they will bring Thunder Guard Zarya into OW.

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It’s not about wanting another one right now, more like wanting Blizzard to make an Auriel skin for Mercy at some point.

They might have other ideas concerning Diablo or other Blizzard related skins for Overwatch, but it’s not like they would release all of them at the same time either. They need to save some for other years XD

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Technically they did, Nova for Widowmaker and Sonya (aka Barbarian) for Zarya. It’s a start at the very least.

I know, but why not Auriel Mercy XD?

Anyway we could see it in future, who knows

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Great idea!
Yes! :smiley:

I’m here to say yes, please!

P.S. We all should know that Mercy’s character is ripe for skins :wink: :heart:

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:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Yeah I can see that one. The cosmetics team really pump-out that content and get things done real quick unlike that “other” part of the Overwatch team (at per a lot of people).

Do you have any ideas for them? If so make I thread (like I did for Rein and Zen sadly no one noticed it :disappointed_relieved: )

The cosmetics team appears to find and a lot of people find Mercy very alluring and especially alluring for cosmetics. :wink:

I’ll tKe Auriel for next years Blizzcon reveal but for anniversary, I’d rather have an off-the-wall-Skin like what they already had last year.

We now have Demon Hunter Sombra (set to rerelease sometime) and a Diablo-esque Gargoyle Winston.

Also Diablo Immortals releases sometime this year (so told), perhaps a release celebration skin is in order? :eyes:

wink wink nudge nudge Blizzard

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Over a year necro? But… but why?

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Pls let my thread die PepeHands