Atlanta Reign vs. Philadelphia Fusion - Stage 1 Quarterfinals - FINAL

Also one thing I just noticed, everyone in this thread seems to be rooting for Atlanta… does Philadelphia not have fans? lol

They’re a bunch of really good players in solo queue lol

Hmm… they have Glaxigrav, Blizzard CS’s social media manager… he loves them.

No need to be salty my man, Atlanta’s problems are pretty obvious, they’ll sort themselves out

And the Aussie Motormouth himself

I think you quoted the wrong post. I WAS being salty earlier when I said Atlanta always chokes, but the post you quoted was a genuine question. I thought it was odd that no one was cheering for Philly in this thread

Anyway, I don’t know if they will fix their problems… I think their main issue is tactics-related. Which means poor coaching. You can’t fix poor coaching


I’ve always considered Philly a vaguely unlikeable team. Maybe everyone else does, as well :thinking:. The only more unlikeable team is San Francisco. But their unlikability stems completely from having Sinatraa on their team

It’s just a Philly thing tbh. The rest of Pennsylvania is glad that it exists in a corner of the state, as far from the rest of it as possible. Their vulgarity is the shield that protects us from the Jerseyian Scourge.