Atlanta Reign vs. New York Excelsior | Playoffs Winners Bracket | FINAL

Ashe is such a fun character. :sob:

ASHE! :heart_eyes: What a rare pick in OWL. ^^
And Bob actualy did something too! :sunglasses:
New Yorks Symmetra-traveling-group was also nice to watch.

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thats a very interesting spot to use bob i might try doing that whenever i play ashe which is never

On DPS, I’m a KKona 2-trick with Ashe/McCree. I like to see this.

I really want the PTR patch to go live with the Bob fix.

huh? what bob fix?

Instead of Bob coming from the left of Ashe, he comes from dead center. He doesn’t get stuck on doors and stuff anymore and goes where you want.


theres been too many c9s lately


These announcers just said Moira’s ult is a lock-on ability lol. What a joke. They don’t even know Moira.

Also, Dogman Popped Off with his Moira ult because his Orisa also had her ult up. This means Moira ult was stronger during that team fight by 50% more damage output. The play was beautiful and Moira and Orisa ult combined can save the game like what just happened there.

Rialto, they could have gone the staircase on the right after going over the bridge, that has that wall that you can jump over, grouped up everyone, and use mei wall to boost everyone over, with a bastion maybe, and surprise attack NYXL, and would have potentially won it. I think it would have done it.

These heroes are all still niche for the most part. Their niche is simply also meta playstyle. They aren’t as broadly adaptable as other heroes.

The said that it was not lock-on.

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After Map 5 • First to Four

Match Point!

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OWL brass is like, “we are over 100k viewers. Atlanta needs to win the round.”

I feel comfortable making that joke because I am a huge OWL supporter and want it to succeed.

They said it was aiming and not the lock on ability. Moira does aim but she is more like Zarya and Symmetra in terms of aiming. You need ‘tracking’.

Yeah, but the beam is the size of the sun, so it’s basically lock on. I play support. It’s not hard at all.

Trust me, people can’t even track a Lucio. Redshell had a Freshnuts clip for Role Queue Beta where a Moira solo ult him and she couldn’t aim or track him. He stood still on purpose and she killed him and use her beam as a form of tactical bagging while he laughed. It was funny but Moira ain’t easy to learn or more people would reach GM with her.

its not “basically lock on”

I hate hearing that because lock-on abilities can’t be body blocked or juked around corners. When people insist on spreading misinformation, others take them at their word and don’t do counterplay they could have.

I mean what’s so hard about saying it’s “braindead” vs lock-on?