I’m still very confused about the OWL game plan, who plays vs. who and why…
So, this is the losers bracket. Do the teams gain anthing from winning this?
In a double-elimination bracket, you have to lose twice to be eliminated. The teams in the losers’ bracket have lost once already, so they are fighting to stay in the tournament. Winning here means you don’t lose.
Aah, so the winners here still have a chance to win the tournament? Cool.
I’m excited to see it Reign
Also teams reeeeeeally don’t want to lose now because they spent almost an entire year playing to get into this tournament.
ok no doomfist looks better for Atlanta
Thanks, I’ve searched for such an overview but there was nothing on over.gg. ^^""
that nano onto babybay didnt need to happen and babybay using tank mode definitely didnt have to happen
If you follow any normal American sports, it’s the same concept. A full season to determine the best teams that go into a playoff tournament at the end.
(Europe thinks playoffs are weird, and they might be right, but we like them.)
Sorry, maybe I’m to european to understand anything of this kind of tournament structure. I’m not even into “EU sports” actualy. A buddy of mine once tried to explain American Football to me, my head just exploded instantly.
now im no bastion player but i think he could benefit from a buff to the transformation speed between entering and exiting tank mode
The playoff system allows teams that were good (but not the best) in the season to make a dramatic comeback at the end and win it all. It’s very American.
hehe F
in the most important moment XD
Stream is back, press F5
“F F F F F”
. . .
It didn’t work.
Like in cheesy Hollywood movies, right?
press eff fifth on your gamer keyboard
Ah, that worked. Thanks for the 1337 tech support.