Ashe's new skin scope is horrible

Who the hell thought this was a good idea? It’s way too opaque! Skins shouldn’t have this much influence on gameplay performance, and there’s a clear disadvantage to using this skin! That’s just utterly unacceptable!


I have to agree, even though I love the design.

You can hardly see what you’re shooting at. It’d be nice if the transparency was upped a bit to match her other skins.


I dunno why they don’t just make it the same for all her skins. Imagine if other characters had different crosshairs for different skins? That would be dumb.


For those wondering:


Woah, that’s pretty extreme


Yep, I can’t see anything. I really hope they fix this… I’m commenting on every thread about this topic to hopefully make Blizz notice this! I want to use this amazing skin but my accuracy drops by an average of 30% when I wear it.


I dont have her yet, but based on Wabba’s SS, it looks great. Im excited to use it.

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The icon itself is pretty but it’s too bright and distracting. Needs to be toned down.


It looks okay to me, based on the SS. Like I said, ill have to get it and check it out to really see.

Oh goodness me…That’s awful.

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It’s more obvious when compared to her other skins:

It’s extremely apparently how much more opaque and in the way the new skin is.


Thank you for the comparison shots.

I do still like it though. What can I say? :man_shrugging:


Well I dont think the problem is disliking it, just that it’s too opaque which makes it hard to aim.


I meant I like how opaque it is. When i used to use a reticle, i used a very opaque one. So, having the Scope that way doesnt bother me. I actually like that.

That being said, if they made it lighter, that would be okay too. I just like it/dont mind it, in its current state.

Too bad they dont have an Opaque slider for the scope outlines. That way everyone could change it to what they like. Same as the reticle. That would be cool.

Interesting. It would probably drive me nuts.

I do agree though it would be cool if it was a slider.

Yeah. I seem to like extremes. I either dont want to see it at all (Reticle Opacity at 0, which is how i have it right now) or i want to really see it (Opacity at 100). I believe the lowest i could tolerate (while still being able to see it) was 75. Any lower than that (other than 0) I did not like.

Yeah, that would be great.

People always be trying to ruin the fun. I want it to be hard to see. That makes it more rewarding to pull off dank shots.

I agree. In my opinion it’s:

  • Too bright and opaque (but mostly too bright / vibrant).
  • It creates too much visual distraction (at least, for me).
  • It’s probably too small, since the contours are too close to the crosshair, which is the main visual distraction.

The size of this ‘eye’-like icon should be increased a bit, and we should have a slider somewhere that belongs to her specifically in the Controls options where we can change the opacity and vibrancy / color of the icon.

Don’t get me wrong, yes, the actual skin and overall design is very good (although I’m not a fan of that hat, would have preferred more focus on that hairstyle and maybe some minor, subtle glow on her horns with some in-lay color patterns instead), but that zoom / iron sight “eye” icon is sort of forcing me away from using the skin. It’s very unfortunate for the person in the Art team responsible for making it, kind of wasted time and effort.

I will tolerate a bad weapon for a good skin, sucks we can’t mix skin/weapon like you can in paladins but c’est la vie.

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It’s not that it’s bad. It’s affecting our accuracy and gameplay.