Ashe's Hair in the New Skin

Is anyone else extremely disappointed by Ashe’s hair in the new skin? In the novel art, her hair goes down to around her waist and has way more volume and curls than the mop they put on the model. Her hair was a very big part of what made the design look so good but they put no effort into it. I know it’s just an event skin but I really wish they could go back and redo it


Hair is one of the more expensive things to render on a character model, as well as difficult to make look nice. From that viewpoint it’s easy to understand why it looks the way it does.


Wasn’t this why she has short hair in her default design?
I vaguely remember them mentioning long haired Ashe when she was revealed at Blizzcon but said it was too hard for the animators to animate it.


They should have re-used Ana’s Captain Amari hair but in white.

Instead, they gave her a mullet.


Since when was Actiblizzard strapped for cash?

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na, im good.

You should remember that they have to adapt those skins to maintain the main character silhouette and hitbox. It´s just a skin you should enjoy the Ashe design in the spray then.

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not in the case of Overwatch. The “hairs” are a complete solid like everything else. It is not a hair simulation with several individual strands of hair like in games like Tomb Raider or The Witcher 3. In Overwatch, all of them are closed big meshes.

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She looks the same to me. Just gonna stick with my Riding Hood and New Year one.

I feel like the worst part about the skin is how the gun is literally the default gun, like that would maybe make sense if it was an epic skin or something, but it is a legendary skin and it has the exact same gun as the classic one.


Its based on the novel artwork when she has the same gun, I don´t see the point to change that. You are also not forced to equip that skin. Also you don´t even play Ashe, just Genji


Doesn’t mean it’s not disappointing… The only thing that is different with this skin for a first person PoV is her gloves pretty much, considering you play the game from a first person PoV it is quite disappointing that a skin that is Legendary quality will have the exact same weapon as the base one.

Yeah right… But getting a new skin for a character you like and it being really bad is annoying.
Also, I find it weird that someone who always plays Genji will buy an Ashe golden weapon considering how he “never” plays her, she is literally a flex pick for me in comp, sadly I don’t play her as much as I would like to this season since Mccree just outshines in most aspects, doesn’t mean I don’t play her at all… Looking at my QP stats (when I usually play QPC) to prove your point doesn’t really prove it does it, especially when it’s not even the account that I play comp on…

But yeah go on, insult me on how I play a lot of Genji since I like the hero, I don’t even play him as much as of recently, since he is so bad in comparison. You are looking at stats that were there for years, like I barely play Soldier nowadays yet my playtime on him is higher than Tracer which is one of my most used heroes as of recently, but you do you man, weak points are still weak points…

Bro chill, you’re complaining for a free weapon cosmetic. I didn´t use Genji as an insult you did… Play whatever you want just have fun. I loved the skin, I follow Overwatch mostly for their artists.

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I mean the hair doesn’t even have to move, or have extra game breaking strands, they could have just changed the shape like widow’s summer skin.

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well maybe OW 2 will remove this limitation

Expensive in terms of GPU resources. Not actual currency.

I like it, but yeah, I do agree that it didn’t live up to how the 2D art did her up.
A quick search brought up this fan edit, which is rather nice, but I still don’t feel it.


The best thing about the skin is the hat imo.


This skin just looks weird all around

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YES. This is what the skin should have looked like.

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Her whole body shape, neck, and head, and the side of the hat…it all just looks so wrong.