Ashe's Eye Color

I’m sure this might have been discussed closer to Ashe’s release, but I find myself curious.

Are her eyes the product of albinism (or some kind of other condition involving the body), or are red eyes within the universe of OW something that’s more common due to the year and evolution of human genes?


Hmmm that’d be cool but Overwatch takes place in 2076(ish), which isn’t really that far from now (did you know Ana, Sigma, Rein and the other older heroes would be alive already?) and evolution needs more than a few decades… I’m thinking a few million years more haha

I think she might just be albino but in a very stylized, Overwatch-esque way bc she still has dark eyebrows and lashes


True, I knew about the years. I more so meant with the interference of man, given all the biotic tech going on.

Albino makes a lot of sense too though. Especially as you said, in that Overwatch-esque highly stylized manner.


Could just be cosmetic lenses to go with her personality.

She had red eyes as a child too, according to her origin short.

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Albinism is a kind of recessive mutation (I’ll spare you the details) which isn’t that rare depending on the zone. I like the term ‘‘evolution’’ even if this would appear false on a clinical perspective.
There’s 2 places in the world where this particularity can be found at 1/1000, Niger in Africa and Aland islands in Finland. Other than these 2 zone it’s around 1/17000

I’ll say that the character is albino, fits well with the character’s look and there’s surely someone, somewhere, playing OW who have this particularity.

thanks to bring that up!