Ashe's dynamite is a bit too much


I read this as “Ashe’s Dynamax is too much” and i honestly was confused as to why ashe was a pokemon

I would agree if Ashe didn’t have the immediately throw it and shoot cheese that’s very easy to utilize and heavily swings a potential duel in her favor when being jumped on, on top of having her boop/reposition coach gun in one ability to also distance herself already. Ashe has too many options when she’s jumped on where she should be weaker. I’m fine with dynamite when it’s used at mid range but having it in her pocket to just toss and shoot on top of her coach gun is a bit much.

You are so misinformed. Ashe takes damage from her own dynamite. Whenever I get jumped on by a Monkey, Genji etc. I can’t use dynamite and have nothing more than an unscoped toy gun that does tickle damage. Sure, at longer range you can throw the dynamite but not when being jumped on.

No I’m not misinformed, Ashe does take damage if she’s in the blast radius or in other words throws it straight at the ground and blows it up with her in it, her throwing it straight out and immediately shooting it or even better shooting it with coach to both distance herself and blow up the dynamite at close range in fact doesn’t effect her at all.

So you agree that’s something you can’t use when being jumped on?

Did you not read the reply, I recommend you read it a couple more times and work on that reading comprehension.

Necro aside, Ashe’s dynamite is also the only part of her toolkit that’s fun and intuitive. Headshotting people doesn’t even have the same payoff. It’s already a situation of you might as well play Widow. Take away Ashe’s dynamite, and there’s no reason to play her at all.

Bob is very easily countered. Ashe needs a Mercy pocket to be able to one shot someone at all. And her reload takes forever. Coach gun is a 90 damage (if every shot hits) boop, which is nothing impressive. The only thing note worthy about her entire kit is dynamite.

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Yes my comprehension is just fine and I read your reply but you stating something doesn’t make it true. You just need comprehend that dynamite is out of the question when getting jumped and that Ashe is pretty weak when getting jumped. Do you even realize that it detonates at about 10 meters when you coach or normal fire combo it? That’s out of jump range range. Besides that, you can’t throw it vs (Monkey) bubble because it bounces off, you can’t throw it vs a D.Va cuz she’ll eat it, you can’t throw it vs Genji because before you can detonate it, it’s already reflected. Sure, at longer range that’ll work fine, even vs the reflect (I love burning deflecting Genji’s) but not at getting jumped range.

Besides, when you’re getting jumped you’ll only have your noodle, non scoped, damage gun which leaves you for an eternity of reloading and basically doing nothing, soaking damage after using it.

I think they should double the duration, AoE and damage total, as well as shorten the cooldown on it.

That way she will be as balanced as Hanzo.

Her dynamite is fine, it doesn’t even do enough damage to kill on it’s own. Plus it’s easily removed with heals and damages Ashe if its too close to her.

It’s honestly giving me a migraine imagining how people have an issue with it.

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It is offset by heals. It is not “removed” from heals. That would be something completely different and would mean any tick of any heal would end the DoT immediately, which might actually be a fair (but odd) nerf.

If we’re gonna continue to live in this fantasy about how one of the strongest non-ult abilities in the entire game is balanced, let’s at least convey its mechanics correctly.

You can pick up a health kit, and its removed. You do understand that right?

I just want to point out that the thread was created 1 year ago…

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When you get a new account and wait a whole year to support your other account’s threads so it doesn’t look suspicious :smirk:

You’re ignoring that the dynamite also has an explosion radius of 5m, I’m not 100% on the distance it travels before being immediately shootable (doesn’t look like 10 meters but I admit I don’t know that detail) but even with your 10 meters the blast radius makes it 5 meters out which is still very short.

Literally aim a bit to the right or left of genji deflect does nothing, dva dm goes on a 2 second cd when used (soon to be a 1.5) plenty of time to use dynamite after you see it and if you’re shooting her face on her way to diving you it’s probably on cd as she dms just trying to get to you. Winston just coach gun, distance made especially if you coached him on his way in before he places bubble then simply wait until he leaves his bubble because he can’t reach you.

Ashe doesn’t just have a “noodle gun” she is still capable of aiming down scope although it’s harder (which is reasonable as it’s not her ideal range) and her supposed noodle does 40 damage body shot (Can headshot) but also fires rapidly at 4 bullets in a second or 160dps with spread after i think either the 4th or 5th shot. Coach gun to reposition on top of her “noodle gun” is more than enough tools for Ashe if someone’s closed the distance on her and you may not like her noodle gun but that’s supposed to be the interaction, not ideal if someone’s in your face.

These hero’s are making a commitment when jumping on you as Ashe, they’re in your teams space (unless your positioning is garbage) already at risk to jump you or flank you, Ashe should have means of putting up a fight or escaping which she does with her coach or “noodle gun”, dynamite up close just pushes it way over the edge throwing it in ashes favor with relative ease.

I’m not “just stating things” I’m presenting my points and you’re trying your best to just brush them off with poor excuses or “oh so you agree with me” like you haven’t even read a single word I said. You can claim they don’t make sense all you want but they’re perfectly logical statements of Ashe having too many tools to deal with close range when that’s where she should be weaker, and if you can’t make sense of them you might want to work on that.