Ashe no reg issue ever adressed by devs?

Hi all,

did we ever get a comment from devs on this? Is it really an issue that needs to be fixed or is there a technical explanation why we have this?

I’m just wondering as it still seems to be an issue and it keeps popping up in threads…


Nope absolut silence


huh wut?

is it that ashe’s hits dont register?

if it is then yes it is a problem, but not a huge one.

but I dont think the devs had said anything.

It is definitely a huge problem in a shooter game.


it doesnt happen often, is what I mean

Happens quite often, actually. Especially with Ashe.

And it should never happen in a game where gunplay matters.


really? for it me it happens like maybe once a game or two

its rare for me

It happens a bit. I’ll watch Codey/IDDQ/Gale/Keph and it happens to the point where they are like nope, time to switch. When the streamers are done with a character, that sends a negative message to the watchers. You would think this would be fixed, but they are too busy drinking that Widow/Hanzo/Mccree Koolaid.


Whenever I play Ashe my gun constantly double shoots and one of them is just visual. It is quite annoying.


I thought that happened to all hitscan.

What exactly is “no reg” like no registration? Because the Bullet wasn’t registered to hit the target?

Yeah. It’s when you fire with your cross hairs directly over a target but the game doesn’t register it as a hit, so no damage is applied. It’s been a problem with ashes ads since her release.


So THATS what it is. Its a really big problem. I always thought I was just a Super Bad Ashe. Especially since im a support main, I only play Sym, Sombra, Mei & Ashe. I really wanted to learn Ashe but I always seemed to miss shots EVEN with good crosshairs.


It happens to Ashe a lot more. I believe someone once broke it down in a past post that Ashe isn’t a “true” hitscan. Blizz didn’t develop her shots like Widow, they made them “hyperprojectiles” meaning they have much more chance to not register as a hit. This is why she no regs so often.



I knew I wasn’t crazy. I stopped playing ashe a while back and started playing McCree. I figured I forgot how to aim. But I see I wasn’t crazy.


But even then, it shouldnt be every two to three shots

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Ashe can be so infuriating, damage boost perfect headshot, no reg
This can be the difference between winning and loosing


Ooooooohhhh. Is that why I suck so much then!?

Oh, so that’s why I suck at Ashe. I always find it hard to hit shots with her but I can pop off as Mcree/Widow. Makes sense now.

or maybe I just suck…


No regs are a problem in games like this. Not just with Ashe.

It’s just a flaw of the design of net code.

A common example I like to think of is Pharah, sometimes you shoot a rocket and get killed, but the rocket disappears.

This happens because server side, you died first. So some people get mad at this, but think about it from the other persons perspective.

A rocket flew out of your dead body.

With regular interactions like no regs, the issue with giving you the hit, is that the other person may be around a wall, or something like that, on their screen they shouldn’t have died.

The way they do it now is to create the best gameplay experience they can. Anything else and you get the same (or more) bullsh*t but in different places.

They’ve touched in the topic once before I think. Just mentioned it’s a difficult thing to fix.