Ashe needs a slight buff

Ashe is the least picked hero in overwatch league right now. She simply has too much damage fall off for a ranged dps. Gets completely outclassed by Widow at range and Mccree at close range. Reloading in the middle of a team fight is way too slow.

Proposal: Decrease the coach gun cooldown by 2 seconds and make the reloading slightly faster.

Ashe is really good. Ashe does not need buffs. There are plenty of T500 and GM Ashe players.

OWL is still in the process of recovering from GOATS. Please we do not need another broken hero in this game.


OWL is all over the place right now. LA has been running Moira (and winning). The meta hasn’t settled since the last patch and like HITSTICK said, they’re still recovering from GOATS. It’s just not the place to go to see who you should be playing. Ashe is very good.


OWL is not representative to the majority of competitive. Ashe is in a really good spot right now in close up skirmishes where medium ranged cluster brawls happen a lot on 2CP AND Kings Row around choke points. I see a good Ashe getting bob every 45s almost

Wait what

Imho ashe is one of the best balanced heros right now


I agree with you. Ashe should be able to do 250 base damage so that she can one shot every squishy in her range. That way she will get more playtime in OWL.

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A better reload is all I care about just a quality of life change. It’s too clunky. She’s perfect every other way. No other buffs are needed.

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I think Jayne in his last vlog “day in the life” he actually said in the video in a random conversation with dallas fuel that Ashe will be the next big thing in the future meta :o

I can agree with that

She is the most powerful dps for anything below masters on ladder though. My genji account is plat-diamond. My ashe acnt is masters. My doom acnt is like low plat. bob is insane at lower ranks, and you need like good widow\hanzo to counter or good tank play that isn’t there at lower ranks.

If buff her then nerf bob

Facts. Felt like doing a bronze to GM one tricking ashe, and i have sh*tty aim. Got to 3700. Ashe is SO good at lower ranks

ashe is really good

and bob is a good ult

In my experience, the most balanced and most broken players are picked the least. Ashe’s low pick rate implies she is either balanced or broken, and I don’t think she is broken.

widow is just better

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I think what fails is too much dispersion when scope.

She was only picked once at OW league level.

I agree she is too weak at the moment, but bob is OP at the lower ranks. I think she needs a buff for mechanical skill value in some way with a weaker ult perhaps.

OWC covered how weak Ashe is at the moment.

They need to revert doom’s distance while they are at it.

she just bad a widow,
bigger hitbox with cowboy hat.
Widow dont have falloff damage
delay on scope
grapple > coach gun
grapple can cover more area, and get good position to one shot kill
the bom is ult charge for healer
bob is just bigger torb turret

Reverting Sombra, or just nerfing her somehow is quite necessary imo.

Sombra seems fine or even a bit weak in ranked but strong in OWL. It’s the opposite of Ashe.

It does annoy me how much she hard counters doom though. If doom maybe retained his rocket punch but nothing else it might be better.

Don’t forget slow reload.

If Mercy were somehow still meta I think we would see more of Ashe though because she can one shot for most part with mercy.