Ashe & McCree in Deadlock - the next Overwatch novel

We will get this novel in June 2021, written by Lyndsay Ely.
Lyndsay Ely is the only author of “Gunslinger Girl”.
The description suggests Ashe is the main protagonist:

In the years after the Omnic Crisis, the American Southwest is ruled by vultures looking to profit off the chaos. The West is ripe for the taking, and Elizabeth Caledonia Ashe intends to write her name across it.

My speculation of its scheduled events:

  • Ashe born in rich family, she was “happy” child
  • Then she understood her family doesn’t look at her as their beloved child but as their bussiness successor
  • Ashe became trouble in school to get her parents’ attention but instead of their asking what’s on her mind, what’s the real reason of her doings, she met only their anger and punishments
  • Ashe’s doings got attention of Jesse McCree, new student of her school
  • Jesse McCree understood Ashe’s life very well and with time they became great friends
  • Ashe got danger into her liking
  • Tired of her ugly life Ashe decided to establish Deadlock gang, she took McCree and two others into her new path of life
  • Deadlock gang gone wild, new members and bigger influence
  • With time Ashe developed feelings towards McCree that she never told him about, while McCree started to doubt if it’s this is the life path he really wants to follow
  • When Blackwatch attacked Deadlock, McCree took advantage of the situation and betrayed Deadlock (allowing only Ashe to escape in secret as his goodbye)
  • Cause McCree helped Blackwatch, Reyes gave him a choice: prisoner or Blackwatch agent
  • Ashe escaped Blackwatch furiously mad at McCree
  • Since then Ashe feels not only betrayed by McCree but also used by him

Maybe my speculation is wrong but I feel it’s mostly correct.
It’s based on Ashe’s origins and her interactions with McCree.


I’m excited, Hero of Numbani was really good and even though this has a different author my expectations are high from the last one. It seems like characters who aren’t really connected to the main plot are getting novels. Maybe a Symmetra one beckons…


This is a good point I hadn’t considered. Both Orisa and Ashe are incredibly minor side characters. Perhaps other minor side characters like Hammond or the Junkers will receive novels in the future.

Either way, I am looking forwards to meeting the other two founders of the Deadlock Gang. Hero of Numbani was a nice story, but I do not think we will ever see a single character introduced there again (maybe the Junies, but not any characters). But these two founders have potential to be reintroduced in plotlines in the present day.


My kingdom and left leg for a solo rat story detailing his background (growing up in the aftermath, when/how he lost and replaced his limbs) and the building/aftermath/dynamics/life inside Junkertown

I’d like to know from this novel if there’s really any inconsistency with McCree’s age. In Michael Chu’s famous statement about Ana Origins’ photo, Phaarah turns out to be 9 and McCree 17, just hired at Blackwatch.

I would like to see how much connection there is with calculating the cowboy ages.

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The description of the novel says Ashe gets arrested on the morning of her high school graduation. Ashe is 2 years older than McCree, so he’d be around 15/16 during the novel.

He said Pharah was 11/12, which fits (she’s 5 years younger than McCree).


anything with bob in it is worth reading tbh


Was kinda hoping for the hamster (really wanna know what went down on lunar colony dang it) but I think this is the first we get a real decent look at what the us is like after the omnic crisis. And Bob, can never go wrong with Bob.


I don’t think a happy child would have as much anger and loneliness as Ashe did, because of her parents treating her like a business successor.

What I mean is like, she was pretty much left to herself, only had Bob as a friend. Sounds pretty sad to me. :frowning:


Which is why I believe she and and McCree will reconcile and bring peace to her mind and team up with OW in OW2, leafing her to see a much “bigger family” than what she already has.

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According to Screenrant (can’t post link):

Written by Lyndsay Ely, the book is a prequel to Overwatch, set in the American Southwest where gangs and criminals rule the land in the years just after the Omnic Crisis, and Ashe wants in on the action. When she is arrested (again) her distant and unsympathetic parents, full of old money, disinherit her from the family fortune. To steal back her birthright, she teams up with her omnic butler, B.O.B., who has essentially raised her, as well as the criminal delinquent Jesse McCree. The three troublemakers are thrown into an action-packed adventure that introduces the Deadlock Gang as it is founded, and digs into the origins of the heroes Ashe and McCree.


I think Bisi (Efi’s cousin, Doomfist partner) is a true candidate to turn into an OW2 character, or, at least, to be an important character in the lore

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After what has happened to him in the novel, I don’t think we will be seeing any more of him, or anyone else introduced there. Maybe the unnamed Black Market dealer, but definitely not any of the named characters featured in the novel. They are all either civilians or Bisi.


Why I deleted my previous message.
Well… By “happy” I mean Ashe born happy as every newborn child but she was unaware who her parents exactly are, what they gonna do with her. And as Ashe matured she understood that who cares she’s rich while she doesn’t have parents, a family where she would be really happy.
Oh and I agree with you.
But I think Ashe would stay with her Deadlock gang in the end.