Okay but how exactly are those negative? Almost everything that made Symmetra 2.0 into a niche, low skill - high reward and badly - designed mess disappeared with the 3.0 rework and the changes you mentioned were vital in accomplishing this.
pfft you’re far too optimistic.
like the objective problem with sym throughout all reworks is how she struggles to get uptime herself.
old sym literally lacked the tools to do so in her design inherently (no old barrier was not the solution, it was half the solution at best) alongside simply having poor numbers all round.
sym 3.0 initially had a design that would address the core problems, but devs never put decent numbers on it and then further ed her core uptime tool tp with spiking up its downtime enormously.
i.e. they were literally on the way out of the rut but then decided to do a 180 to go back in and also further picked up a shovel to dig themselves DEEPER into the rut.
there is no doubt she can be worse regardless of which role they put her in as the devs literally have demonstrated to us that they either are incapable or are unwilling to solve her issues, even though the solution is staring straight at them.
nere’s refering to old 3.0 tp, not old sym’s tp.
and technically there’s a whole other dynamic in-battle options side of that too
i.e. in the down time bit of the timeline of the top situation, old tp is still up except for the last 2s —> i.e. still interactable and thus options to go back through (whether for escape, re-engage, whatever other use) is still there if you dynamically think you’d need to.
unlike current tp whereby either you leave it up for options you’re not sure if you’ll use or not but cost yourself extra downtime, or you destroy it and then face your hard down time immediately with 0 tp and hard eliminate your tp interaction options. and when you’re trying to minimise tp downtime, you’re going to be doing the latter more because tp casts are so core —> overall reduction of tp dynamic flexibility of in-combat options.
8 days left… make peace with your mind.
Bastion can only go up from this rework
They also gave her like 4 nerfs when she was becoming a more popular strong pick during
double shields, AKA the ideal meta for Sym. I lost faith in the dev team before that, but that was a facepalm moment. If they dumpstered every single hitscan, and saw Pharah become meta, would the devs still go surprised pikachu and hard-nerf Pharah?
Yes, yes they would because they are stubborn and never reverts bad nerfs 99.9% of the time.
At least with the Bastion rework, there’s no way to go but up.
They don’t want her to be good. That would mean Tracer had more than one counter. Can’t have that, now can we?