As a Reaper main this entire situation sucks

‘’But muuh fun!’’

See, this is what I’m talking about. Is any character fun to die to? Do you go ‘’oh man, was so much fun dying to that Mcree stun + 1 shot!’’

Of course not.

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Yes, actually. Any character in which you fight in a pitched battle before dying is a character that is fun to die to. That struggle, that battle, that back and forth is what the fun part of the game actually is. The outcome, whether or not you die, is merely a validation of whether or not you correctly judged the situation and your own skill. The fun isn’t winning, the fun is the battle.

Characters that circumvent that by either denying the battle in the first place with instagibs, or remove the fight by stunning you in place, remove the fun and replace it with frustration. Like, this is an incredibly simple concept most people understand intrinsically even if they can’t articulate it well.


Way too many people don’t understand this concept.

I just think he needs a healing/lifesteal nerf. He just gets so much health back that it seems really excessive. I get that he has basically been dumpster tier prior to this meta for a while, but I really think they overdid it with the amount of health he gets back from his lifesteal.

what do you make of reapers lifesteal and horrible spread?
from a reaper player to another.

i think they should make his spread not sprinkler sized but still spread.
the lifesteal to me is just a forced fix to try to push him to be viable due to how bad his spread is.
this is why subsequently why he’s too good against the majority of tanks, he lifesteals too fast for tanks to keep up,
but is ultimately a lot worse when it comes to duelling smaller hitboxes due to his spread, meaning even if he is at optimal range he’s still bad against them.
and that’s where the crux of the character lies, he’s a dps who’s not good against the majority of dps characters and can only deal with other dps through lifestealing through them.

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Let’s remove zen’s orb of discord as well because it makes you take more damage or might as well remove more than half the cast then by that logic.

sure. reaper needs a rework on some mechanics… when he is viable, he is just to low effort / high rewards.

and you are almost forced to have a cc hero to stop a reaper.

as a bastion main, i feel you

except he has never actually been good in any metric, and yet you have people saying “well he´s meant to be niche”, which is a very dumb argument

i would wait until next patch before drawing any conclusions. the current meta heros are only meta because the other characters are shut out by barriers. the new balance should allow more characters to be played and solve the current problems.

This is just me but I wish theyd remove lifesteal and bring back soul globes that drop out of killed enemies…

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Welcome to what we call the S76, Torb, and Sombra treatment.
Where the heroes you main are nerfed, but other heroes who need a changing are still meta or power creep material.

same, but they need to fix his spread for that to work.

did they nerf Soldier76?
what did they nerf? when?

i can only remember that he fell off somewhere after dive i think.

Excuse me what now. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

i think he ment thereapist :smiley:

That still ain’t right. It’s therapist. But reaper is nowhere Therapist.

i think it’s a bad joke that’s just got lost on you.

It must be a terrible one then indeed, because I get most bad jokes.

As a Sombra main I know what’s like to have a bunch of whiny Doom babies complaining about a char that was always a throw pick.

idk it’s just something that’s similar to this.