As a former DPS main

I think you’ve got it wrong

Support players blame tanks, dps and supports.

Tanks players blame tanks, dps and supports.

Dps players blame tanks, dps and supports.

I feel like this is more accurate because obviously everyone on their team is at fault except for them.

Exactly the problem with this player base. Sure, being a 100% only dps will be Okay with a pre-made but not in a solo q.
Is it so hard to learn two roles? That’s the question…

I only solo queue. I only play DPS. I’m well versed in DPS. There’s literally nothing you can throw at me that will convince me that being a doormat is the best way to play and improve.

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The only reason why dps get more hate is because they double the size of any other role so there’s more of them.

They should blame blizzard for having made 15 dps heroes.

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Ok then. You inspire me to do that too from now on. I’m curious to see if I can pump that 3500 to 4000…
After all DPS is way more fun.

Not even joking!

If you want to see more detailed explanations as to why swapping roles all the time is terrible I have two long AMAs with plenty of details in them. Here is the general discussion one and here is the competitive discussion one.

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We’re probably all way too entitled :slight_smile:

I’ve always felt that, as a whole, it comes down to team based decision making. Most people who play this game aren’t used to co-op team shooters. (Really who is? Unless you played TF2…) And a lot of people just try to solo play this game. They don’t think of the team based mechanics they need to worry about and kind of just go off and do their own thing. I can’t count how many times I’ve seen people over extended at the beginning of escort maps.

This HAS to be because you feel whatever your tactics are are “best”- which isn’t true at all. The tactic where the team works together (sometimes doesn’t matter where you position yourself) is usually what wins team fights, and not you taking on 3 people by yourself.

honestly in general i dont get picking 1 hero or 1 bracket of heros.

you bought a game and are actively walling off most of the hero content.

flexing is the funnest i find this game because you get less aids games where everyone is tilted and you actually get variety from game to game.

sure you could probably gain a couple hundred sr by one tricking… but why would you want to be at an sr where you dont belong unless your playing 1 or 2 heros.

thats not a situation i like the sound of.

i mean, everyone should know how to flex off tanks, healers, and dps. if a team has 4 people who only play dps, whose gonna heal and tank?

Ok! Will check it. Edited my main post BTW.

The two other players. Nobody should flex to every role, under any circumstance. If you do that you’re placing yourself in a lower ranking because you’re not equally good at them all.

The matchmaker is also pretty decent about avoiding matches like that for competitive so it’s not a big issue.

If you’re plat, you’re not a plat player you’re a plat insert role here.

I’m a Top 500 DPS player, not a Top 500 player. Give me D.Va and I’m maybe Diamond or low Master. I have no clue. If I flexed to all the heroes I don’t currently play I would drop like a stone. The benefit the team gets for ticking the box of “have X supports” would be massively outweighed by my incomepence on the hero I flexed to.

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stares at gold elims and gold damage in a 6 man DPS team as a one trick sombra main


I’m going back to Dps only anyway… Good point.

Flex players are the reason people are allowed to only play DPS.

Every role is needed, period. If you get in a group of 6 dps one tricks, well I can’t say you won’t win because it is possible but, the likelihood of it is lowered by quite a bit.

As a player, I am much better at dps but, I don’t get to play it as often simply because everyone else wants too. That is not saying everyone else is actually good at dps either. Gah.

I guess in my place… I’m a forced flex player because I’d rather fill the needed positions but, I don’t really want to.

If a one trick is a super high rank, good for them but, they need to thank the players willing to switch because they don’t want to.

I keep getting bad results by flexing and I feel like and idiot too. Because others just won’t do that even though they don’t even do well on their role. You can spot a widow getting obliterated and nothing will happen. The player won’t switch and I feel like an idiot flexing to a tank, letting that player play my role worse than I could.
Also by flexing I’m wasting my specialization potential too…e

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There are always judgement calls to make. “Do we need that tank or should I help carry the dps?”

In that case, 2-2-2 is not always the answer. I also get what Timeless is saying. I have no doubt I can’t climb because I fill roles instead of play Hanzo and McCree to the top.

If someone is better than the dps that won’t switch though, they will eventually climb out and that bad dps will get stuck at their rank.

Most of that really is just additive to the idea that I was sort of trying to say in the last post, though.

The reason someone is able to one trick dps is because others allow them to by flexing. I think one tricks take flex pickers for granted and often forget this.

I was a DPS only Pharah main. I actually enjoy the game more when I play tank.

That is just false. I guess I can break it down because if people are not already aware of objective reality, they need a dose of it.

Rein - 11k
D.Va - 14.1k
Zarya - 12.8k
Winston - 9.1k
Roadhog - 13.4k
Wrecking Ball - 10.9k
Orisa - 13k

Average - 12k

Genji - 12.7k
McCree - 12.7k
Hanzo - 16.5k
Widow - 9.8k (Winston tier, lul)
Pharah - 16.4k
Junkrat - 18k
Doomfist - 9.7k
Reaper - 14k
Tracer - 10.5k
Soldier - 14.8k
Mei - 8.4k (surprisingly the lowest)
Sombra - 8.7k
Symmetra - 12.3k
Bastion - 22k (holy macaroni)
Torbjorn - 13.9k

Average - 13.3k (12.7 without Bastion)

So, yes, actually, tanks to have comparable damage to DPS despite having much larger health pools and more utility. Maybe if the garbage tank players were any decent at managing their role, damage would happen. The average for DPS would be much lower if you removed outliers such as Bastion as if you removed him from the equation as the developers have, the average is more or less the same.